Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I imagine it going in the light tank line has to do with the tech tree changes more than anything

actually ZTL-11 is a fire-support vehcle in China tech tree as well as PTL02. The 1st line in tech tree is a mixed line which has ROC tank such as CM11, light tank such as ZBD86 and research tank such as WZ1001

That’s what has me a lil confused. I guess when you look at it the line we often refer too as the ROC line is also the closest china has too a dedicated light tank line, but there are also light tanks in the tank destroyer line as well, so I wasn’t really sure what’s gonna go where

i guees you mean PTL02 and ZLT11 in 4th line right? The PTL02 and ZTL-11 belongs to artillery in PLA. They use them as fire-support vehicle not high-mobility light tank. So the last line in china tech tree should be Tank-Destroyer line.

Sorry, I should of clarified but yes I meant the armoured cars classified as light tanks in game. In this context tho I think your right and the MBT-2000 will be added after the CM-11

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They probably don’t know that George Washington served in the British Army.
Also, they spoke English even after independence!


You mean in the Portuguese TT?)

Probably low enough effort vehicles Gaijin thinks will grab our attention for long enough.

Probably not hard at all to make the Xp-72 compared to some vehicles. And because of its performance and history it might be interesting for just long enough to distract us from other things.

You know the ZTL is after the TD line right? And the taiwanese line is pretty much the light tank line as around half of said line consists of PRC light tanks.

Unfortunately, yes.
Posted on bilibili.
Besides, I am a Chinese player myself. I have no interest on smearing my community.
In fact, I’m offended by your words.

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You’re not smearing anyone. China is a big country, some people will always act wrong, doesn’t make the country or community bad.

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the thread sais the MiG-29SMT is equivalent to a Block 52 F-16C or an EF-2000

but it also calls the SMT izdeliye 9.18 instead of 9.19
The 9.19 is a upgrade to the 9.17

Here is an image of the MiG-29SMT 9.19.
It is plane number 27 on the website I posted above

Edit: why was this flagged?


What makes me think about this situation is that F-16 is a direct counterpart of Mig-29 so both aircraft should be treated equally but for some reason when i said this some people just lost their mind.

İ mean how come removing F-16’s compression issues at high speeds will make top tier more unbalanced? Mig29 does have instant turn ability already alongside with identical sustained turn ability but i dont see people complaining about that.

Also i do think F16AJ is the best F-16 you can find at top tier since flight performance is coming from Block-10 but it also has Block-15 armament capabilites.

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I sadly dont know if its stabilized, I would assume that its not tho, considering its only supposed to fire while stationary

What a fat plane

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No Suppiee is right, but it looks mean imo

it’s a plane you glongus it doesn’t have feelings

It’s got R-73s and a HMD i’d be scared