Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

that detail looks like its pulled straight from an Airfix kit

no way this plane has so deep recessed lines everywhere

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Report him and flag it :P we can have our own back

Because it’s a fake

A cupola or a extra machine gun it’s not a excuse to call them unique bro, sorry

and a bad one even

@Deathmisser False flagging is cringe.

@riskidd_ Unique is unique. Math is math.

I don’t know why people are doing it here now it’s annoying af

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I mean it’s is spam

the magic of thr misser

I mean there are rumors around the F-15 so it’s kinda on topic, even if the image is fake.

Teaser tomorrow? Where are my spreadsheet homies at?

I would love reactions back

From what the Chinese list say the F-15 is fake

This thursday at earliest

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The Chinese list is incomplete.

It doesnt have all vehicles, so F-15 could come

Alright. Im really keen on seeing what this update will bring so far two awesome vehicles. I mean all of them are awesome but awesome for me atleast.

So ? there are still last minute additions

yea, maybe even leakers know not to leak stars of the show, still a possibility of seeing the su27 or t90m

Omg look it’s real trust me bro