Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

wait if you finish a Tech tree that’ll grant you a research advantage for lther nations?

not even finish, if you reach lets say tier 6, you will get research advantage for a number of games daily up to tier 6 in the other nations

Not even finish, if you research some vehicles you will get some bonuses. Thats the plan they have

Eh, just give me a fire direction line on the minimap, me and my postbit notes can do the rest. Though some way of laying the gun to global 0 degrees elevation would be nice

one of the coming roadmap updates

that’d make the game a lot easier for me

and it’s already been eas for me, ground almost all Griffons in 2 days

Vets gon have it in easy mode

Tbf m8 it’s was added almost 4 years ago and your still holding on to it is just unhealthily.

When China was added I was just like you and went w t frick.

But now I’m just dc about it

china was added 4 years ago?

im getting old <_>


I mean… T-34/85 Gai is literally just T-34/85 with an extra machine-gun and M4A4 is a bit different-looking and worse armored M4, I would hardly call those “unique” and definitely don’t feel like it’s worth it to go through Chaffees, T-34s

I agree about the others though! Although, well… 7 out of 21 is like 30%… so it’s 70% copy-paste, 30% unique? Not sure if that’s worth it for me. That’s just my two cents though, I get why some people would disagree.


You gave up, I wont 😡

They’re still unique. Either introduced with China, or not in other tech trees.

I can still remember wanting to buy the packs when I was on holiday lmao

I remember I was happy about SdKFZ 222 announcement in the Teased Chinese TT they showed before the update that had the 2 CBT Prems


A tank that is the exact same literal tank as one found in another tree, except with a machine gun on top of it roof… is unique?

Maybe I’m weird, but I wouldn’t like to grind 4 ranks in a different tree than the one I already have just to get the exact same tank except it has a machine gun on its roof xD

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Anyone got a screen grab of what he said ?

both air and ground or is it more like got all Aircraft of that nation = Get bonus researching air in any other country

Exact same? Different models are different models. Cupolas & front ends are different.

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Please don’t do that to me.

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