Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

This is why you should never let pure’ist run the game lmao

Not following you here mate

Plus CCP and ROC are well China so I don’t get his problem.
Ignoring history becuse “OH i WanT lEsS C&P”

Not at all why do people keep saying this? Where would you put the PRC then? They hated the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin so it couldn’t be there. The only way to nicely add either China would be the current way or if they were to be separated give each one multiple sub-nations. ROC would get SK, Thailand, etc. While PRC would get Pakistan, Iran, NK, etc.

Like the hate on Chinas existance in the game is already very abundant and it’s annoying to see. They were added as a combined tree which is good for the game. It allows diversity for the TT allowing you to bring out Soviet inspired tanks along side NATO designed tanks. From the political aspect who cares they both claim to be China so just put them together.


Its own tree starting rank V

Honestly keeping CCP and ROC together make more sense then splitting them.
Only to get a worse half & Empty trees and give counties that don’t need them.

Plus it shows me that people care more about a few pixels then what happened irl.

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No that is the single worst thing to ever be introduced Israeli should have gotten Mandate of Palestine vehicles and started at Rank I because just like with the PRC you would miss out on a lot of cool unique vehicles.


They wont split them, dont worry

I know that I just trying to understand your logic here

Starting at rank IV is not the reason why Israel is least played… The lack of diversity and hardish stock grind( For Magachs especially) is the reason. Start Ussr tree at rank IV and everyone will still play it

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If starting at rank IV is bad then starting at rank V is borderline crazy

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But they could have a lot of cool lower tier vehicles. That is what I’m saying Israeli does suck but it could have so much more from a captured IS-3 to all of the mandate of palestine vehicles.

Its not because of the rank, its because Magachs have br increases just for new shells which are rank 4 upgrade, so youre playing with a vehicle which usually is at lower br for most of the time until you unlock that one upgrade which made it to go up in the first place

So if you’re saying diversity is the issue then trees like the China tree and say IDK a combined Korea tree would be ideal as variety is baked into the very concept of it, no?

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Seperating ROC from PRC would cause war thunder to get banned from China as they have a one China policy.

Idk why we need to seperate Chinas


Yes but since they are technically at war and there are alternatives to add them to others trees I choose latter option

We don’t

Yes it would, thats why they combined PRC and ROC in the first place. But like I said they wont seperate them

the fact that they are at war hardly matters, FGR and GDR were on oposite sides of the cold war, PRC and ROC are in a cold civil war, so who cares if DPRK and ROK are also in a cold civil war too, the fact is they are both Germany, they are both China and they are both Korea, that’s all the reason you need and precedent backs that up.


I wouldn’t say it stands for Extended range (at least not with certainty). It is an export modification with increased range. I would bet on E standing for Export or Energy (same as the E in R-27ER).