All of our information (Community Managers) comes from the developers.
So yes I can confirm that the fake South Korean trees in Japan were 100% fake.
In what capacity do you represent the “player base”?
You pretended to care about Koreans earlier, but now that you are being refuted, so you move the goalpost, saying that Koreans’ opinions are not important… lol
Great idea, both Koreas should also get a combined tree like the two Chinas, you’ve saved War Thunder my friend. I give you one heart as a thanks.
I’m glad you came up with the right answer yourself!
that sounds like a better Idea TBH, would be kinda like Israel starting at rank 4 or 5 with both Koreas represented in the same tree.
Japan still needs help though, what would you suggest for that?
In addition to what Smin said, there is one more thing to note.
Did you see the watermark, @huanghwa64, on “Leak”?
The “leak” was self-proclaiming that it was lie(fake).
can’t wait for devblog
hope it’s gnat
But the (problem) is that it has depending at which time utbcane out it has 3-4 right, ehile we have currently just 5 blogs
I prefer the PSO
the watermark was on a cropped version of the tree, not the full image
now that i look at it… the angle is different too…
Why should I suggest that? There seems to be no duty for me to suggest what the alternative solution is specifically.
Whether Japan lacks equipment or not, that has nothing to do with Korea. It is entirely a problem in Japan itself. Therefore, the solution also has nothing to do with South Korea.
Even exclude “political” issues, it is clear that Japan has no grounds for having SK’s equipment.
Then explain to me why F-16 cant pull more then 8G with combat loadout at high speeds?
Or why it cant pull 9g at any altitude or any mid-high speed despite General Dnynamics charts shows its the opposite?
İts obvious Gaijin limited F-16’s dogfight capabilites by simply compressing pull ability at high speeds.
F-16AJ disagrees with you.
Thats the best version of F-16 even then those flight models are not accurate.
There will be no need for a pod since the radar had A2G capabilities.
I wonder what will be the main theme of this update, I hope we will get Italian subtree or rank 8 tanks, the teaser is due this week if everything is true!
Both photos were made by the same person.
Made for the purpose of razzing the wishlist-a.k.a “leaks”- in CC discord server.
This is the lesser known version. However, it has been replaced to plant a clearer message (lie) in the watermark.
I don’t want to have this argument again, the F-16 doesn’t have a G limiter or an AoA limiter or any kind of limiter that every other aircraft doesn’t have, it doesn’t turn well above Mach 1, what a surprise, nothing should turn well above Mach 1, all I can say is that whenever I play the Netz personally I feel practically untouchable, I know I’m not an amazing player, I’m pretty average, so I haven’t a clue what people have an issue with, maybe they’re just playing it wrong.
If the MiG-29 is better then maybe it should be nerfed, I don’t know and I don’t really care but the F-16 flight model is not the problem.