According to this it is same:
ehhh hard to say for the meteor, the meteor is the the longest range missle by far compared to others it all depends how gajin implements counter measures
I’m trully all in favour for all US X planes that flew from the 1944 to 1953 period.
Yeah, those numbers look exactly the same. Do you know what the M was supposed to improve upon from the F that we’re missing out on? Or were they changes that wouldn’t effectively show in WT?
The M is supposed to have a better seeker, a new warhead, and a better on-board computer for better flight patterns. I couldn’t tell you if it has those in-game.
If that’s a fake, that’s the best fake thus far.
And is plausible since 12.3 is any patch now.
Dev branches can be behind in that regard.
The foldered branch could be different & combined later on.
Until you realize F-15C is coming regardless due to F-15J.
Do you think they’ll make two separate models of F-15 or just one to start with F-15A as an option for later on?
looks fake to me
Gaijin never released two top tier MBTs for one nation in on upedate
plus the leak is exclusively talking about top tier
very sus to me
we already have enough fake leaks
at some point, none of them are going to be believable if this is going on like that
well theoreticaly germany could get the F-15 B, but that is the double seat variant, but i am not sure how i would feel about no countermeasures
We have aircraft without countermeasures already in game.
With countermeasures
Especially when Germany can get Mig-29 with R-73s and/or F-4F ICE.
Two MBTs is fine, it’s the T-90S Premium that’s not.
F-15A is also unlikely as is F-18A.
F-16C isn’t as plausible either, and Su-24 as a premium is obviously fake.
F15B can carry Gbus that would be the main reason
ICE isnt going to be the great thing everyone thinks it is. Its going to be a phantom with 9Ls (maybe, cause Gaijin is allergic to giving the 9Ls to the F-4F Peace Rhine in game), and AIM-120 A’s, the most basic version, which will be outranged and spoofed quite easily
Tornado IDS ASSTA already exists tho, which is the 3rd best CAS in the game.
Speaking of, time to test 60% wing sweep.
Gaijin is not opposed to giving 9Ls.
And an AMRAAM test needs to occur regardless.
Its a German aircraft, so it will come 2 patches after everyone else gets ARMs, and will have a heavily obsolete air frame vs anything at its BR
Mind telling me what is supposed to be so special about the 60% wingsweep setting on the Tornado?
jup exactly what happend to the tornado got added way to late to realy shine
and thats ignoring the unfinished state once again of it
Are we gonna fix the fact most SAM’s cant lock on to helicopters unless there within 2 miles cause the fact that they cant is ENTIRELY wrong especially Russian helicopters which seem to be immune to the mistral missiles
Literal fake news.
Germany has been getting on-point aircraft for the passed year & a half straight now.
Always getting aircraft when they’re ready, including the Mig-29 released now half a year ago.
Tornado came out when it was ready, and is still a meta CAS.
It’s shining as we speak. & it’s not unfinished.
60% wing sweep works.
It keeps maneuverability up at high altitudes for moving after dropping a bomb while letting you retain supersonic speeds.
ground radar which they only gave to the SU 39 currently, 90% missing countermeasure
oh yeah missing air radar capabilities