Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I doubt this is real, but I would be so happy if it were xD

I would skip F-15A for the lack of flares, but T-90M, Leopard 2A7 and, specially, M1A1 FEP would be an absolute treat for me.

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The exact details can be altered for game balance, and flares added to it.
But the list is obviously not real, sadly
Someone went out onto the forum threads, found the most requested vehicles, and made a list

to support your doubt

3 diffrent top tier Jets with different roles for the US and Soviets in one update just doesn’t sound like gaijin

I doubt Gaijin would add the flareless F-15A into the TT

The only thing typically gaijin is adding a TT vehicle then adding a premium after it


I don’t know why people think this.

The F-5’s don’t have flares irl So that means the F-15 will have them in game


but only on attackers

Also typically planes with limited performance

on the other hand , only giving US and RU stuff sounds just like them

if it’s true tho I think I’ll just leave top tier air until something competitive comes to Sweden or german air

gonna idk grind spitfire MK 24 and face Sea Hawk MK 100 with it, sounds like more fun than facing AMRAAMs and R-73 in the 9-12A

well theoreticaly the mig 29 is competitive , but nothing from germans own devellopment

XP72 would be glorious if true

currently it’s not the airframe that decides if you do good in top tier air, sure it’s asymmetrical warfare but im not lacking a significant performance metric all my opponents have

Phoenixes aren’t that useful, Sparrow Ms are a good counter to R-27ER and 9L aren’t overly OP

only read up on that one a today, sounds like a weird but lovely prototype

essentially an american equivalent to what the Fw190C is

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i look forward to the time of meteor and iris T missles

If I remember correctly, the 7M is literally just copy and paste of the 7F and I haven’t seen anything to suggest this has changed?

What other nations?

  • Gaijin, probably

as long as there is a counter I can get used to it and it’ll probably be fun

but until then flying a massively inferior jet is just not for me

Someone called ?

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yes but

F-16 and F-14 have the better Radar and their other missiles are better

wich I’d say roughly cancels out. as I said it’s Asymetrical but it’s fairly balanced