F-4F, 2-3 patches behind the F-4E
MiG-21MF, 2 patches after the Russian MiG 21
MiG-23MLA, 3 patches after the MLD, and 5 after the 23M was added
MiG-29, 1 patch delayed behind the Russian MiG-29
Lets not forget the exploitation of German aircraft for event rewards that shouldve been tech tree as well
Ground radar is still under development as a whole.
And no countermeasures are missing under the current system.
Countermeasure addition needs a general game update, it cannot be added at this time due to game limitations.
So no, both are accurate for the time being. Swordfish is missing its radar too.
Mig-29 for Germany was still released within 3 months, because it wasn’t ready during the launch of the December update, & came with F-16AJ & Tornado ADV. Disproving your claim.
There are no event aircraft for Germany that should be tech tree.
As tech tree aircraft are all superior to them.
literaly the definition of unfinished, kind of projects that should have come earlier and have could have gotten more development focus, the tornado series could have been the star of a whole patch alone, what we got is completly overshadowed by f16 and mig 29
Nice nitpick, but it was still delayed a patch for “reasons” despite the actual differences between the two in game being near nonexistant.
As for event rewards, the Mig23MF would’ve been a great analog to the Russian TECH TREE MiG-23M, and the Tornado Marineflieger belonging to the bomber line as well
Tornados are meta, so IDK what your problem with them is.
The differences in game are models & the systems needed to be verified, such as IRST.
9.12 & 9.13 aren’t the same aircraft after all.
And no, Mig-21Bis is far superior to Mig-23M.
Tornado IDS ASSTA already exists there & is superior.
He’s not talking about meta here.
He is talking about what should of been in the tech tree or not and their release dates as he was correcting you
Thermal T-Pods weren’t a thing at the top end until GR7 & Jags.
So, Tornado IDS would’ve been the first which is a bad way to do things for balance analysis.
& it turns out, T-POD CAS in WT is currently OP, forcing fighters in ground lineups again.
I wonder if next update will assist in alleviating the CAS power.
Stop changing the subject because you got caught lmao
My guy, they put R27ER onto the plane that couldn’t actually interact/guide it, it was delayed to let the F-16s and miG-29s have the spotlight for a patch, with the 9.13 added as an afterthought the next patch
Nothing is delayed in WT.
Vehicles come out when they’re ready. This is a fact whether you accept it or not.
Staying on topic isn’t changing the topic.
Why is everyone surprised? It’s Gaijin.
Release broken anti ship missiles?
Release a broken missile on a dev on one of the best fighters, only to nerf it too heavily and release it on an event vehicle instead of the exact same platform in the TT?
Generally anything annoying/inaccurate/broken you can think of?
They can do good work, and I wouldn’t have given them my money if they didn’t. But they are seriously lacking sometimes, and I don’t know why everyone sits here debating and discussing it as if it’s a big deal
Can’t do mass-scale testing without release. & all this testing allows them to figure out if the game itself needs updates or if weapons can be updated further. Turns out the game itself needs worked on for locking & guidance properties of air to surface missiles.
Once again, testing to verify code works & the missile is balanced.
They aim for accuracy. Sometimes the code doesn’t work as intended.
You have to realize that most of these features are brand new, requiring from-scratch code, and that means learning as they code.
It happens with every developer developing something new to them.
Whats up with all this Germany suffers/doesnt suffer stuff?
Actually both MF and SMT added at the same time.
Devil’s advocate, but you could make a very convincing fake like this.
Anyone who’s looked at Gzabi’s GitHub dataminer and the file structure would be familiar enough with how the game assigns positions and lang files, as well as what vehicles show up in hangar positions. A community user model could possibly be used to make this. I’m not familiar with how code compiling works, but as a plaintext theorycraft I could probably make a mockup like this. Don’t know if it’ll work tho.
I’m not advocating for it to be fake or real. However if this DOES turn out to be fake, someone has figured out how to do how I described above and it essentially means we can no longer trust anything posted here (even less so than before).
There have been some elaborate “leaks” posted zamn
Most likely what they did. as i mentioned earlier easily could be the F-15C mod already available. some mods are so well detailed they are as good if not better then in game ones.
Additional pic showing the mod in the hanger itself
The big difference between the 7F and 7M IRL is that the 7M uses a monopulse seeker to improve accuracy.
All SARHs in WT are currently modelled as monopulse seekers. Why? Presumably game balance because most of the ones that aren’t would be pretty useless.
Could be the same one. It’s too blurry to ID (probably on purpose) but the nosecone is the off-white color in both images.
If it’s a fake, someone did their due diligence with the “new vehicle” gold stripe