Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

the model on the background looks pretty plausible

It could just be the very well made F-15C mod we have that they are using as a prop.

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So, one problem with that, it doesn’t match the TT that Gaijin posted in their roadmap dev blog. The 4C should in in VII right below the 4E. Also, the A-7s should be foldered.

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Unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly. But there was a cooperation between the French and Russian defense industries in the 2000s/2010s. The Mistral-class ships are a result of this close cooperation. I assume that know-how from this cooperation was integrated into the Sapsan-E pod. As I said, it is my guess. However, it seems logical to me. And I could not find any evidence that working French targeting pods were used by the Russian Air Force.

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These changes are not yet in force.

True, but I believe it said they would be tested on the dev server yes? You’d think it’d show on any “leak” too right?

Yes, I think the developers have their own servers for these tests and they are not united with the testers of the equipment.

That’d make sense. I hope so, because I really want that 15 XD

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while this looks a lot better than the boring list from before

where are the already confirmed tanks?


Where are the other nations 🤣

T 90s is confirmed already as squadron i doubt the4y will change that

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I mean they literally changed it last update even tho it was already on the devserver

wasnt the f15a the useless version without flares and those shouldnt come to teh game?


Ok that one i know is a mod lol


just wasnt finished yet, still needed some model changes

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the very early one didn’t have flares, yes