was posted yesterday in my server
@Smin1080p how much longer will i have to wait till the F-111 aardvark gets added? i just want its massive strike capacity, 48 500lb bombs
and i want su24 with its kab 1500Ls
Thank you, any idea tho what planes these might show up on? I know some of the most modern Russian jets today can carry targeting pods but it gonna be a while before we see some of those, so I’m just curious what plane we might see first with the capability to Cary any of these
Yesterday - so after 3 vehicles from the list were already announced. Texas was just a lucky guess.
you can just limit its guided bomb capicity from 12 1000lb to 4
I mean basically in the 90’s and 2000’s the Russian Federation was able to use it’s now less hostile ties with the west to help buy and copy technology in areas that it had previously been behind in, such as thermal optics, so I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised that they wanted to show off the Mig-29SMT with a French targeting pod.
If true then this will be on the smaller side but still bringing some goodies. The MIM-72 would basically be an American Strella so that would help at around 9.3
Guess we’ll see either this Saturday or Monday if the list holds water or not tho
Sapsan is for the newer MIG 29s and SU 27/30 versions. Kaira for MIG 27 and SU 24. And the Mercury pod was not really a success from what i read. That is why Russia wanted to license build the french Damocles pod.
You’re an alright dude that has never spammed.
Not sure why there’s a high strung trend going on.
It seems they’re avoiding air dev blogs for now, so it’s hinting at an air update.
Hyuga was added after others had equivalents.
And Germany has exactly 1 7.0 battleship, and 1 battlecruiser.
And rank doesn’t matter when the MBT isn’t as good as Germany’s MBTs.
it does hint to an Air update but
another Air heavy update? we just got new gen fighters
not that I’d oppose it but im still sceptical about this being their true focus
i wouldnt mind seeing a t90m in the teaser
December was the last air focused update.
So no, we didn’t just get new gen fighters.
that was December? time went by too fast >_>
so that would then mean just MiG-29SMT as top tier jet is unlikely unless they’re also introducing a new feature like Fox 3 for everyone or ARMs
Mig-29 with ARHs would be 12.7 - 13.3, not 12.3 tho.
Same with F-16C.
But any Mig-29 with R-73s is possible for 12.3.
I know that’s true but I don’t like it
my beloved 9.12A would probably not get them and then be stuck in sub par top tier jet limbo until F4F ICE comes around
Hyuga a super dreadnought which added one patch after regular dreadnoughts were added. Its the ship that was snuck in on the day of the patch there were no equivalents for several updates.
The Scharnhorst was completly broken when it was added (and still is now) and Germany really didn´t need another 7.0 BB when for example US just then got its 1st top tier BB which BTW is still nowhere near Scharnhorst.
US still doesn´t have 7.0 BB and at 7.0 have just Alaska
UK also has “just” two 7.0 ships Hood and Marlborough and Hood
The Scharnhorst really wasn´t needed for at least 2 updates and as for Hyuga:
- After 1/2 year the US got 2nd BB - Wyoming
- Germany got Von der Tann not at all equvivalent and then got Kaiser update later which still is crap compared to Hyuga
- UK got Invincible a 6.0 battlecruiser and then 3/4 year later got Marlborough first equivalent BB
Tell me what equivalents others got.
I guess we’re the Russians ever able to obtain any working French targeting pods? Or did they only ever have dummies to show off as theoretical at airshows?