I’m pretty sure that they pretty much don’t use podded sensors until their much more recent variants, so the SMT should be limited to Electo-Optical ordnance and buddy lazing.
A-6E SWIP would be really interesting
Two different kinds of Mavericks (F and laser-guided E models), as well as Walleyes, LGBs, possibly even AGM-132 Skipper IIs.
Also HARMs at a later date, if Gaijin ever decides to add those.
Were there ever any interesting/unusual liveries the SWIP (specifically) had, kind of like the TRAM’s experimental two-tone green and three-tone desert camos?
The MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9.19 is 4.5 gen and it didn’t have R-60Ms. I doubt it.
For what? Ground attack? The radar itself could lock onto ground units.
im honestly waiting for the day HARM get added
I just want to fly SEAD missions in Ground RB and finally be able to fight those lazy missile throwing ground targets
repair cost 10k
Instead of dropping a nuclear bomb, playing for him you will drop 250 thousand tons of TNT for 2500 rebirth points
I’m talking about a pod for laser guided ordinance, which it seems it could carry, if found some pics but can’t get anything for certain since finding info on Russian targeting pods is difficult.
Here’s what I believe too be the same plane but I just can’t tell what targeting pod or exact version of the Mig-29 it is.
honestly even hard to tell it apart from the background
I was able to reverse search the image, apparently it’s a French PDLCT.
And that is a MiG-29SMT in the second picture.
That is correct. Photos are from ILA 1998.
So I guess the Russian Federations solution to a lack of advanced targeting pods was too just buy western one’s?
solid researching skills
so you think they’ll give the fronch pod to it?
I mean, why not? We already have Russian tanks that use French optics lmao
It was a dummy. Not a functioning pod.
Also really appreciate the help, but now it just makes me even more curious when the Russian started producing there own domestic targeting pods and what aircraft those can show up on.
Obviously the USSR tech tree has good CAS, but one thaing it definitely lacks is thermal targeting pods on fixed wing planes, and this was a historical problem as well it seems
Kaira-29, Sapsan-E and the Mercury pod.
well isnt a lot of stuff in reality western, the thermals they had were french as well werent they?
I don’t see why not