theres probably ealier but this is the earliest i saw it
(current time, 18:14)
Seriously tho if Britain is only getting a T90 for ground its gonna be a P**s take. They said a couple QnAs before that they’re interested in added more Light tanks and ifvs. Its just annoying its taken this long to get more IFVs other then the current Warrior when there is just so many to add.
thank god someone understands leaklists induce conversations
so we both hope this list is fake?
you hope for UK IFVs in the real update and I hope for me Alphajet?
it’s literally why im here, and to me it seems like this is what this thread was made for
now if it’s true, anybody got a clue why they wanna add F8F-2? don’t we already have a few Bearcats? what makes this one special?
I smell Norway here
Yeh… even after that its a pretty MID list tbh
eh can’t disagree with that
Yeah i actually hope its not legit
i hope it is 9.19 would be welcome
Eh I wouldn’t mind a lot of the vehicles on that list coming. It’s just that if that list is all that’s in the update, than I hope they at least they have some good features/map to add as well.
updates never consist of just 24 vehicles, 24 is the minimum atleast
Don’t forget the few addition along the way ngl I hoping for the VT-4
I think it has more engine performance and bigger rudders
Best guess next week should come whatever packet premium they wanna sell the players at least one of them
extremely lame list
probably real xD
I’m happy with anything for top tier ground that isn’t a doa SPAA (MIM-72). The reason why I’m excited for rank VIII ground is that we might finally get at least a small batch of cool top tier ground vehicles again.
If the list is True than Mig-29SMT is a pretty big deal, as it would be a very powerful multi Role fighter for Russia, but it’s also strange because it’s a much later Mig-29 that could even fire R-77’s im pretty sure.
Also does anyone know what targeting pod the Mig-29SMT could bring?