Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Any evidence that it was created before devblogs ? Otherwise fake.


Well i saw this one yesterday in a discord before the arrival of Texas 🤷‍♂️

Then its meh.

Although people are saying we’re gonna get tropical leclerc variant as squadron vehicle before leclerc AZUR.
m109a3g (germany)

Might have been a lucky guess. Give me a proof, that this list predicted those 3 other vehicles before their official announcement.

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But yet we only seen this today so it’s still highly likely it’s fake

Man this list looks so sad. Than again luckily we wouldn’t have to wait long for the november update.

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Tbh the September update I think we can merge with the October one.

As they are one of the smallest.


God I hope Britains next big thing is a bloody T90S legit the main big thing last patch was a premium and now if that’s correct another premium…

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it’d be nice, a vehicle worth playing in the British tree at top tier.

Didn’t this list come out after the Texas blog

Pretty sure it came out before yesterdays dev blog

no… before

Barely a top tier addition. And it also shows the lengths Gaijin is going to in order to avoid adding anything better to the US and UK trees is starting to get frustrating. No, Gaijin, we need to be going forwards, not backwards. There’s nothing else to add for other countries until the first 16-inch gun armed battleships show up but for some reason Gaijin absolutely refuses to take the final step needed to get there.

Its just getting silly now.

M109a3 was only used by germany and britain (only ingame nations) and since britain already has a sph I guess it would go to germany. But the m109 for both nations is unlikely if no m109 gets added to the US aswell

Can you share any evidence that this list existed before the Texas blog? The only time I’ve ever seen this list is you posting it after we already had the Texas blog


specialy before the russian dev blog released

Then can you please show a screenshot of this from the discord you found it in so someone can actually verify? Otherwise the only time anyone her has seen this list was today

He getting jealous about the attention i’m getting.

So this is his way to stay relevant lol

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this is about the least reliable source one can ask for

but why does it matter even? if you don’t believe this rumor list then go ahead

im questioning it’s credibility too but discussing rumors is what we’re here for after all