Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

the main dev said in one of the dev streams this year that we are getting new top tier mbt’s.


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They all absolutely deserve to be top tier though. They’re broken at their current BR

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nevermind they get pricier loloolololol

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yea yea buddy we heard enough of your takes

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Lol why are you so upset?
The 2S38, BMP2M especially is broken

What am I not allowed to participate in the dicussion now?

Is it really suprising when rank VIII ground was already hard confirmed by the roadmap?

What suprises me is that they are doing this instead of selling new rank VII packs.

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The new trees look interesting.

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nowhere does it say “erm yes rank 8 will come in september”

I’m guessing the M1A1HC was moved to have that tree become the Marines tree?


These changes are absolutely awesome. Any chance of us also getting a vehicle dovbleg today too?


I would like to see a marines tree maybe with M1A1FEP and the marines M1A1AIM, along with the base Lav-25

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give it 2 hours

Yeah, should see a vehicle devblog today as well.
Around midday

Yeah makes sense, it’s usually around that time that we get them.

Never said it willcome in september, but it was hard confirmed to be worked on in the first roadmap. It has always been only a matter of time, no matter how much people wanted to deny it “ThErE ArE nOt EnOuGh VeHiClEs FoR rAnK 8 GrOuNd” etc.

i expected nothing else xD, the “leaker” got way to creative and ambigious

Please take the time to read the article. It’s explained in detail:

“We’d like to also note that premium vehicles whose Battle Rating corresponds to the maximum rank will be moved to the maximum rank in that vehicle’s research tree. Having said this, we do not plan to add premium vehicles that have a maximum Battle Rating and the best combat abilities to the game. These types of vehicles will still remain in the regular research tree for all players to research towards if they pique their interest.”


Why is there so much space below the BVM theres not really much more after that for the T-80 line.


so rank 8 is coming this patch then

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