Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yes the best of both worlds!

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You are for sure a lost brother!


You have 4 kills in total in 7 games. So what you are saying that you managed to get a whole 1 kill in the 6 games after that one.

With a nice 29% winrate to boot. Like I said you are in no position to talk about other nations than Russia and Sweden.

Which is why the stats regarding “players who consistently check their skill” is actually fairly useful. Generally, those are more skilled players, so you can see what people who actually know how to play the game are good in.

It’s not incorrect data either. We saw predictable drops in aircraft winrate for nations consistently opposing Russia when the Pantsir was added, as well as an increase in US and grouped vehicles when the M1 was added.

Handwaving it all as useless data is just an excuse to ignore it because it doesn’t suit your perspective.

Or some costal patrol aircraft, but idk how usfull would that be


Yes something like a p2 neptune or maybe even the be-10


Which means the average winrate is less than what Thunderskill is reporting with those players using Soviet vehicles.
Likely closer to 50% than most people realize.
Pantsir’s not killing skilled players, so doubt that.
And it is useless data. BVM is not the best tank in WT yet it has that “win rate” on TS.
Ariete is not the best tank in WT yet it surpassed BVM in “win rate” on TS.
Win rate on TS does not matter. You know what the biggest indicator of something being OP is? Major discrepancy in KDR on spaded vehicles of same type used by the same player in the same timeframe.

I have a 30% win rate in F-5A for China. It’s not imbalanced tho.

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in Naval probably useful

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Gib P-3 Orion or Kawasaki P-1

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Has anything about the update, other than the current dev blogs, been released/leaked yet?



Noice, thats sweet as


Yes please!

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Which is why I use the heatmap. An average every vehicle in a BR range for a specific nation nulls any argument over a singular vehicle and helps in ruling out singular premium spam i.e. TURM III or CV-90105

The “Lower skill = lower WR” argument also doesn’t make any sense since that is across the board. Even if it’s closer to 50%, that just means that every other nation is well below 50%.

I had a 3 BVM kill game in M1A using HEATFS on Fire Ark.
It’s not as hard as I thought it’d be.
Your personal stats are more accurate than Thunderskill BTW.

Heatmap shows less than 5% of battles in a month.
At 11.7 where all* MBTs are balanced, it’s based on team skill.

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do you know wich vehicles use those SAMs?

Israeli Spyder if im correct

Nanal leaks when?


Israel doesn’t use Spyder or Derby missiles, they we’re export only

so where do you expect to see it added if it’s real?