Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Russia’s not a tech tree, and Soviets don’t have a 70% win rate.

sorry, 65%. My bad lmao

Nope. Not 65% either.
Closer to 50% than 65.
Win rate is dictated by how skilled the teams are. And sure, Soviets are more skilled for me ~56% of the time, but that’s not an indication of anything other than total team skill

What the hell is going on here? I thought this was the rumour roundup and not the cabinet meeting?!? It’s just a game and not a political thing!


same winrate that doesnt apply when we’re talking about america winning

and lets not forget that thunderskill is “innacurate” and “trash” when it comes to america

If they would do refits then it would be interesting to see refited Ise with her flight deck or akagi and kaga in their triple deck version.

And on that note We could theoreticly get akagi and kaga as BB’s and their sister ships

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I literally looked up the winrates, it’s 65%.

I have a feeling. We will get a boat today

Probably a map or feature. My guess atleast

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Teaser this week or next week?

Tbh I would say end of next week


Big Faker is Big.

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After all this carrier talk, i hope you’re right…and it’s a carrier blog


As i said South Korea is more likely to come to Japan despite the bad relations.

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where roumor and discussion?

all im seeing now is crying over winrates and P*litics


Carrier or submarine blog or even seaplane tender any of those would be cool.


You mean players are doing exceedingly well within the Soviet tech tree.
After all, it’s not the tanks at 11.7 that make the player.
Especially when Strv 122 is objectively a superior machine.
You can give a man a Strv, but if they’re bad they’ll lose to an Ariete.

AI controlled carriers I hope you mean, since carrier control is just you watching YouTube videos as players takeoff & land on you.

Or even batter and I400 devblog


I’d love to get the first look at whats coming for Air this patch.
In a perfect world, an Air RB EC game mode for high tier would be amazing to see with this patch, especially as we approach fox 3 gameplay.

Yeah, seaplane tenders are so underrated. Would greatly enjoy those.

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