Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

lets not go to politics


Nah. Mig-35 isn’t even top 5.
Mig-35 with AESA will be something, but that’s still in prototyping.
Su-30SM is superior to Mig-35 as well.
Then you have the whole host of Su-27s made with competent radars.

Every fourth gen onwards Su fighter other than the Su-57 is a heavy fighter, not light fighter.

Yes please!
AIM-4’s had similar kill ratio’s as AIM-9’s and AIM-7’s in Vietnam. The difference isn’t THAT big.
All the issues they have are related to F-4’s not carrying enough seeker coolant, didn’t have the right fire control system and fired them from too close as per their SOP to use visual identification.

When used properly AIM-4’s had better seekers, acceleration and top speed as contemporary AIM-9’s.
Also would give interesting R-3R style short range SARH to US at lower jet BR’s.
Would really love to see these on F-89J/H, (C)F-101, F-102, F-106’s in game.

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Well yeah, I don’t think we’ll see light fighters at say 14.0 in the current system. It’ll all be heavy bois.

Give the MiG-35 R-74Ms and R-77-1s and it’ll be able to compete with a lot of later heavy fighters.

How about this, then: stop bringing real life politics into a video game.

Without delving too much into politics, I would like to point out the Chinese and Russian trees both exist in their current states.

I mean technically Britain too now that it has India in its tree.

Its the right tree for Korea to go in. They don’t have enough vehicles for their own tree.

Its a F-4F at 12.x so it can only be the F-4F ICE

Imperial Japan is not in War Thunder, so your concerns are misplaced.

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For this game, it is a very good solution, but for ethnic emotions, it is definitely a very bad idea; Unless Gaijin decides to reform the national division of the technology tree, such a direct addition will undoubtedly face significant public relations issues
Ps: Personally speaking, I hope this content can be implemented, because seeing Japanese and Korean arguing is a very interesting thing, just like we saw on Twitter before, it’s really interesting (without malice)

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Politics doesn’t exist in the game, for gameplay purposes having SK and Japan in one TT is fine.


It wold be interesting if the br of the CV changed based of their planes beacouse the planes on them constantly changed as the war progresed.

And if that would be the case it would be interesting if for example the kaga would get the max the model of planes when she was sunk or if she could get acces to the later wariants avilible after she had sunk.

And it would be interesting to se B25 Michles on hornet or to see shinano.

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If this leak is true, it will be nice to see Korean tanks. I’m sure there are many opinions, but I think it’s better than never seeing them in this game.

The german leo doesn’t make sense. Only vehicles, which are already ingame in other nations, have a symbol (for example polish leo has no symbol). That would mean the leo is a copy of a swedish leo

hopefully i can say the same about the t90m

japan getting 2 new spaa?

They’d prob do an early/late thing. Perhaps call it “refit” as that would be the correct terminology I believe.
B-25’s couldn’t land so that would be interested. Also only done once but WT also adds aircraft that flew only in testing and launching B-25’s, all though only done once, was very much operational.
I don’t think they’ll add aircraft that were never used on a particular carrier. Plenty of realistic choices to pick from, especially for Japan.


Reward for long waiting…

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You know what I was JUST thinking? Russia was really doing poorly at top tier and needs another new vehicle. Can’t have that winrate below 70%!!!
