Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Where new Leopard for Germany

Having treats with the T-90M.

Okay i see where you’re going with the “integrated armies” and let me clarify things. The integration of the armies allows for the mutual training and deployment for troops and also allow for mutual purchases of equipment, but the Dutch government still has authority over their own army. The Germans don’t have control over Dutch units. They can’t demand a unit to move from point A to point B. It is up to the Dutch to decide. It is a pact of mutual benefit, not one that makes the Dutch army an extension of the German one.

Tornado is not the best CAS y’know. It had terrible turn and easily getting shot down. And the guided bomb need a lot of time and the player need to calm while guide the bomb.

I wonder how rank 8 ground will look like will they just move most stuff up or are they gonna add the entire top notch systems
T14/t90m 2a7-2a8 Challenger 3 latest Abrams?

Same as Finland and Sweden. And yet in game, they are one tree. Because WT is not about historically representing the autonomy and decisions of political authorities, it’s exclusively about combat vehicles, which Gaijin groups to their convenience.

All I’m saying is, the reasoning you’re contesting is one they’ve used before, are using now, and if the need is felt, will use again.

just because they share a land border and an alliance.

Those are some incredibly loose requirements for a subtree and you know that is not enough to make a subtree legitimate.

I never said germany did, but it makes very closely allied compared to other nations and a fact is the benelux tree isnt intresting enough to be the next standalone tree, dutch players want representation in the game and not wait 5years until they get added, best solution german sub tree. Besides that are you dutch and speak for their best intrest?

Apparently they are for Gaijin, because Italy and Hungary didn’t even share the first of those two requirements, and yet here we are.

But Finland and the Netherlands are not the same countries. A Benelux tree can work, a standalone Finnish tree cannot

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It depends on Gaijin’s intentions to rework protection and weight parameters of these kits, they have a report, so there is a chance that we will see smth changed this major.

Latest abrams would be little hard to be implement, we still didnt know how depleted uranium armor works in the game,

benelux wouldnt have enough vehicles to be their own tree, maybe only navy wise but thats just for gekoloniseerd reasons

Even if they gave all the era 1500mm of effective ke protection it would still be kinda avg
Becouse of all the weak spot

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Like i said i know they do, but they arent intresting enough compared to other nation stand alone trees, they would be added 4-5 years maybe and they want representation now

heh, imagine thinking gaijin will fix NATO ERA… look at what they did to the TES, and how they never did anything about it despite numerous bug reports

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benelux tree would just be a supercharged china tree. Theres not a single unique vehicle in there. Add them to germany with denmark, polish, austrian and swiss subtree and everyone is happy.

Also we havent seen a its fixed yet, theres gamescom this week and we saw consistent devblogs each day. September update is usually small, so maybe we get an announcement teaser tomorrow inline with gamescom? Would be cool

Ah wait misread that wrong they do have enough, look athe the fan made tree rougly 150 vehicles for both air and ground

If Israel can be its own tree, everything is possible. I just don’t think they’ll go for it, and if BNL machines ever come, Belgium will bolster the French ranks, and the Netherlands will probably be paired with Germany.

The recent attention on Korea, Hungary etc, tells me their current thinking is very much on sub trees. There are also the Turkey as full new tech tree rumours, but honestly don’t know what to make of those.

In any case, I don’t really have a dog in this fight. For me, 10 trees are already too many (understand, not the vehicles or the countries, but the trees) for the matchmaker to handle effectively, and it’s a big reason why we’ve had so many compression issues. So 11 or 12 doesn’t really make much difference either way.

Wing sweep to 70 degrees, altitude of over 7km but below 9km, distance away from battlefield more than 12km if China’s on the enemy team, more than 10km if China is absent.
Minimum speed to avoid Pantsir missiles: Mach 0.95.
Ideal drop range: 17km or more.

There’s good reason the most popular anti-CAS at top BRs now are fighters. SPAA can’t kill good CAS players anymore.

Eh… Leopard 2A7 is just 2A6 with an FCS upgrade. T-90M is equivalent to 2A7 & the M1A2 SEP we already have tho.