Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Lvkv 9040C & 2S38 similarities: Fast, large [2S38 slightly larger], ammo staging, air tracking, gen 2 or higher thermals.

60 degree pen at 2km:
3UBM22- 186mm
m/90- 134mm
Lvkv gets a search radar.

Commander thermals don’t matter [wish they did], and as in the previous portion of my post 2S38 also has a limited ready rack. Commander sight has identical optics to gunner sight on 2S38, same FOV.
Soviets fight Sweden so it evens out.

Which goes back to what I said: 2S38 could go to 10.3 - 10.7 if its ammo staging was corrected.
But no where near HSTV-L, HSTV-L is a superior light tank by far.
All nations develop differently after all.

Actually no the cv9040 is everything but fast
It’s decently slower than a leopard 2

They don’t mater? Sounds like someone isn’t using them?
They have higher Field of view and they are on top of the vehicle leaving it less exposed
They are like binoculars with thermals on them so yea very useful

They don’t just go by colonial relationships, but by alliances too. Hungary was never an Italian colony, but they were both in the Axis, so Italy gets the Zrinyi.

Personally, I’m very happy with as many nations as possible being in War Thunder, but I wish they were grouped in supranational trees. Not for any historical reason, but because it would make it much easier to balance the game.

Four trees would imho be the ideal.

Okay, well the Netherlands were not part of the Axis, and the Benelux tree is a “supranational” tree

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That’s unironically how people think with Air RB. As long as USSR and USA can be pitted against one another then gaem balanced. Lmao

Dude, don’t mock him for posting that.

Meanwhile German “We still haven’t got an MBT since NEW POWER in 2020”. And what you mean Soviet haven’t gotten a new top tier ground since BVM, Soviet just got Pantsir several months ago.

They weren’t. But they are allied now, and for Gaijin that is a clearly valid criterion. You wanna know how I know? Check where the Leopard 2 PL is placed. Polish flag in the German tree, and they weren’t exactly the best of friends during WW2…

War Thunder is not a historical battles simulator. Therefore, anything Gaijin can use to justify sub tree placement, is fair game for them.

Having the Germans and Israel on the same team in a GRB match should definitely tell you that historical affiliations are only useful insofar as they make Gaijin’s development job easier. Which makes sense from their point of view, to be sure.

In any case, like I said, I would group vehicles into four super-trees, and then having literal sub filters/national flags within them, like a foldering system. And obviously if you only have four, you need to be a bit loose when it comes to affiliations in history.

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Ah, and that is before I get into the fact that we currently literally have Chinese and Taiwanese vehicles in the same tree in game right now.

The internal ideological consistency ship has sailed a long time ago.

Dude, I mentioned Germany in the same post.
Which means you’re implying to be against Germany getting a new MBT as well based on the principles of consistency.

bvm was added update 2.7 red skies, 2S25M in 2.11 ground breaking, you mean the standard 2S25

i said 2S38 is top tier relevant and congratulations you named american vehicles i said should be on the back burner as well

which they got a whole update later being less relevant and again the changes are minimal the standard skill lvl player wont be able to use those changes

they arent again , are you better then all esports players? or why did every single esports player use MIG 29 with only very rare exceptions with f 16

still one of the strognest either way and them getting such an advanced one was unnecesary

and replacing doesnt count either because it was “necesary” when their is israel and japan without any top tier spaa and italien missing a missle one as well, so giving those an spaa should be a bigger priority then replacing the more competent Tunguska

Iirc right now the Netherland land force has three combat brigades and two of them had already been integrated into the German military.

Yes, they are allied, just like Poland is allied to Portugal, and Norway to Italy. Should every NATO member be a US subtree?

It’s a bit hard to balance becouse America gets the newest planes Meanwhile the other countries get the technical more advanced Version of said vehicles
The German f4f later recived the ice upgrade giving it an/apg65 radar and aim120 that’s one of the reason it’s stuck with no radar air to air missiles at all

Or look at the f104 Versions

Because i don’t know if you’ve noticed, but at least they both have “China” in their names.

I mean there is no reason to complain about USSR tech tree right now.
The best heli, the best freemium IFV with ability too fired ATGM with range 8km with proximity fuze, the best MBT, the best CAS, the best SPAA, the best Fighter. Any else?

Allied and integrated armys are 2 different things, i know u want your benelux tree but currently netherlands has more of a place as gernan sub nation

Oh lord they’re both from 2021. My bad, thought BVM was 2022 for a second, especially based on the fact way too many people still haven’t learned to deal with it.
Popularity doesn’t dictate capabilities. Go watch Defyn’s video on F-16 vs Mig-29, it’s dated since both airframes have been buffed since then, with F-16 receiving more buffs.
Mig-23ML is less advanced than F-4S. Please put pride in consistency.
Japan’s “top-tier” SPAA doesn’t have a search radar, and AFAIK Israel never made a SPAA equal to ITO 90, TOR-M1, and Pantsir, only vastly superior.

I own the 2nd best helicopter, it’s South African. Rooivalk. Tiger UHT is the best one.
Best MBT is Swedish. Strv 122.
Best CAS is American & French. F-14B & Mirage 2000 5F. All Tornado IDSs are superior to Soviet CAS as well.
Best fighter is German, or all F-16 & Mig-29 users if you have deeper knowledge of the systems.

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If it’s good enough for arch nemeses China and Taiwan to be in the same tree just because both call themselves “Chinas”, then it’s good enough for Germany and the Netherlands to be in the same tree just because they share a land border and an alliance.

Both are frivolous reasons used to post-justify a game dev decision that is in fact motivated by other considerations. At least in the European case, the parties involved don’t currently hate each other’s guts…

Check the in-game position of: Finland, Poland, Hungary, Romania, the Israeli Merkava added to the US tree when the Israeli one wasn’t a thing, and you’ll know Gaijin’s answer.

Alright someone tell me what people are malding about this devblog season because im not bothered to read all 3223 messages