Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Rgr. Was womdering if there was a known specific reason. Found out and excommunicado or something.

Well, not in any of the leaklists: [Development] Pvkv IV: the Last Effort - News - War Thunder

Likely fake lists. Ah well, they had some cool stuff in there.

P51 operated together with the b17
the b17 flight model seams way off

i meant multiple mbts like when they introduced the t90 i think it was

nuh uh drop t90m

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You could easily tell the lists were fake from 12.7s & vehicles for tech trees not in the game.

Man…Soviets haven’t gotten a new top tier ground since BVM. I ain’t counting Pantsir since it was added to replace pre-physics change Tunguska.
Same with Germany as that was FlaRakRad I think.
All 10 nations have been focused equally.
There’s a reason no one’s suffering from air in the current BR range. [Sweden & Britain require 12.3 to exist].

Don’t get me wrong cause I’m for more vehicles of all nations, and I still want T-90M, Soviet’s final MBT.


t90m my beloved

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Japan Italy? They don’t have any good AA for the current Meta

literally what mbt could be added to italy

updated Aeriete versions with WAR and PSO KIT

now would it really imrpove anything

SPAA hasn’t been meta in months outside of TOR-M1.
People bring fighters now cause of how useless SPAA is.
For which Italy & Japan have F-16s.
Italy needs its ground sub-tree, and Japan’s strong for now. Japan will need expanding with a sub tree later, and for now it’s fine.

@Volxar 2A6 [Spain/Greece], Altay [Turkey]… C2 prototype with TURMS-T.

Ay a low tier Swedish durp tank but it’s strange how we got three tank blogs in a row

I am glad it isnt 3x naval/bot mode

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2S38 is not the top unless you’re counting America’s M3A3 & M1128 as well; and 2S25M is older than BVM.
Mig-29 is tied with F-16.
And the best version of the Mig-29 is the German one.
Strongest premium is definitely not the 23ML right now. That title goes to J35XS, and I hate it.

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Yep well tbh is there anything more to add now ?

We only have the chinese and Swedish naval trees left and they won’t be added any time soon.

Wth the 2s38 is just heavely undertired
Its hstvl Territory

How is the j35 Xs the best premium?
My bet would be the f4s

10.7 with cracked performance.
Also the 2S38 is significantly worse than the higher penning smaller faster HSTV-L.
2S38 also has a Swedish counterpart: Strf 9040C.
2S38 is at best 10.3 in its current state. Maybe 10.7 if its ammo staging is corrected.

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If by equally you mean not equally at all, then yes, you are absolutely correct.

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Oh i thought that gun of Pvkv IV, is minium something about 76mm… but what it is only 57mm!
And that 13mm armor. But it’s ok.

Hell no
Yea the hstvl is alot better against ground Targets
Worse thermal Generation

But the 2s38 can also do aa
cv9040 has worse turret rate 26 rounds Ready rack lower pen and fights Russia
No Commander thermals
None of the vehicles have lwr besides the 2s38

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