Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ok im sorry I misunderstood you. But the thing is early Arjuns were a lot like Leopard 2A4 because of Germany’s help.


A German company literally helped develop the Arjun tank on co-operation with an Indian company. The similarities arnt just a coincidence but rather a bi product of the fact that the same German company that helped make the Leopard 2 also helped develop the Arjun. This is a simple fact that can be searched up


Congrats on stating a fact that doesn’t address anything I said.
Why are you trying to argue?

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I think the large dozer shovel is protecting you way more, since its invincible they cannot shoot it off.

Why not give germany the Arjun and russia the Zulfiqar3 problem solved.

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actually it is not invincible,you can shoot through dozer blades but I got your point

The Arjun is infact inspired by the leopard which was the argument ,but you then then tried to downplay that and didnt even acknowledge how the German company involved used the designed of the leopard when helping creat the Arjun. This is especially apperent in the layout of the Turret.

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Yes shoot trough but not fully remove it, this from an angled position this seems to be kinda difficult you have to go trough the shovel and then trough the actual armor even lower glacies may be able to stop a 3BM60 at this point.

The M68 cannon was inspired by the L/44 RH120, and Rheinmetall even helped design the M68.
That doesn’t make the M68 or Abrams German.

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When did I say the Arjun was German? I was just pointing out that it took design inspiration from the Leopard 2A4 silly

Also, about the M68, while it has been modified, it’s base design comes from the German 120 cannon, so it’s origins exist thanks too the German one right? Just the same idea about how the Arjun owes some of its origins too the leopard 2A4. Didn’t make the tank German but it does have a strong connection, that’s all we’re pointing out.

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Gotta love whataboutism

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Zero people have attempted to do “what about”.
I personally am showing examples of inspirations to help people better decide on their conclusions so they are consistent in their thought processes, that is all.
Not every conversation is an argument, and neither was mine.

How about and this is a wild concept i Know but just don’t add the T90S at all.

The British have far better and more interesting tanks they can get and the Russians… well they just don’t need it period.

It’s an extremely mediocre side grade of an already mediocre tank, there is absolutely no reason for it being added to the game.


That is incorrect. Not only can it be shot through, but as can be seen by the dozer blades in game, they provide extremely little extra protection.

I am still waiting for t90s as squadron vehicle for brits cuz will help them on top tier line up and give some diversity and ppl who dont understand t90s has kanchan composite armor developed locally and thales sights so its not like another “copy, paste” tank but much modified tank.

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It still has nothing to do with the UK and tonnes to do with Russia.

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Than the Indians.*
What tanks are honestly left before Challenger 3?
I don’t rightly care what non-tech tree vehicles go where cause I care more about the vehicles than I do about any real-life situation because this is a fiction.

With the previous statement said, War Thunder is fiction.
It’s a war games simulator that’s among the most realistic in the genre if not the most realistic, but it’s still fiction.
It’s not historical battles.

Ive said this before but now that Rank 8 ground is confirmed, I think it’s worth mentioning again…

Some nations are gonna be left behind if this game keeps moving forward with ground forces and Aviation due to the simple fact that these nations no longer have more modern and powerful vehicles to put forward that could actually push beyond the battle rating cealing already in place.

Some nations are already at this point, with countries like Italy, Japan and even china already reaching there Apex with certain important vehicle types. Realistically Japan won’t have an MBT better than the Type 10, Italy is running out of Ariete Tanks, and China is more or less gonna be stuck with variants of the ZTZ99A for their MBT’s. Sure these nations might have a few more light vehicles and SPAA too add, but it’s unlikely that these additions will be enough to warrant a whole new Rank 8 for these nations, and probably wont be enough to propel them forward in tol BR.

Nations like the US and USSR on the other hand have plenty of potential for Rank 8 ground forces with a lot modern vehicles too still add but also a lot of prototypes that could easily beat our current lineup of MBT’s.

Tanks like the US Thumper or the Soviet Object 195 would easily be some of the best tanks in the game if added now and would most likely deserve their own BR class. Not to mention even more possible future additions like the T-14, the Abrams X and the German Panther.

Point is tho that only some nations are gonna step out into the sun when rank 8 comes around, and others are gonna be left behind for good in a way that no nation has quite yet.

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Before the Challenger 3, there’s the Challenger 2 Rh-120, and the Challenger 2 130.

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Challenger 2 130 would likely come after.
& either way, more options is always a good idea.

All nations will have rank 8 vehicles, so no, they won’t be left behind.
TKX & Type 10 for example will likely be rank 8.
Same with Type 99A & WZ1001 for China.