Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I’m sure some vehicles will be moved up once Rank 8 is added, but I’m talking about new additions here. Some nations just have a fundamental lack of new content possible to keep up with other nations

This is one more reason why having so many parallel trees was a mistake. A “foldered tree” system would have allowed Gaijin to retain the nation-based marketing appeal, with flags and everything, while also allowing players to field vehicles in battle from multiple trees that belong to the same “folder”. Problem solved.

This wont happen again, the T-90 from india is better off in the Chinese tree.

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Chinese MBTs are finished, this WZ1001 thingy is not even build yet, its spose to be in production in 2024 its barely planned, and yet fully implemented. Japan is also finished with their MBT & IFV line, as far as i know Sweden is finished aswell with their MBT line unless they have something planned for the Leo2.

They will either get moved up in BR when then Leo2A8 M1A2 SEP3 or Late T-XX MBT’s come or they get stuff from other nations a possibility would be the Black Panther from Korea they could put it in the Japanese tree, but Japans relations are very bad with Korea, but since PRC & PLA are in the same tree as well i dont see any problems.

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The WZ1001 is the prototype of the ZTZ99A. If you have a source saying otherwise, do you mind providing it?
Also, Sweden has the Strv 122B Evolution, which wouldn’t add a whole lot that isn’t already in game, but it’s something, as well as the Strv 122C and D if Gaijin really wants there to be 5 Strv 122s.


Soooo, like an M1, Leopard, Challenger, Merkava and Magach, honestly pretty standard that there would be 5 Strv 122s that is just how development goes mostly upgrades of current tanks

The thing is, however, that the Strv 122C and D are effectively identical to the A and B respectively.

But if gaijin want to add more indian tanks (they communicated that they want create commonwealth tree) t90s have to be added because indians has a lot of those vehicles.

Mig-29 is not over-powered.
Not only does F-16 out dogfight it passed the one circle, but it doesn’t have its R-73s.
It has a 50km range radar that is still the 3rd or 2nd best radar, but F-16’s is the best radar for locking targets.

As for Su-27, it’s unlikely for sure, but it’s worse than the Mig-29 in dogfight potential, and F-15s are quite possible this major update to the end of the year.

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if i remember right gajin is using old composite generations for the leoaprd tanks, so that still is an upgrade those could get

Mig 29 has the best missle which makes up for it and can beat anyone else in a missle joust, i find Su-27 unlikely and the ability to carry so many ER would be very unbalanced

Eh… a missile that is defeated the same way you defeat all radar missiles: Being low or notching.
There’s good reason I’ve died to 1 at most since Mig-29’s release, likely zero.
IR missiles are what kill me since January.
Su-27 also has an allegedly worse radar.

The ER is faster then any other missles, and at a certain range it is realy hard to dodge, fact is, it is the strongest radar missle in the game. I fly the Mig 29 myself and i notice how strong the missle is

I know it’s strong, but I know it’s useless against anyone near the trees, perpendicular, or going away from me.
My 2:1 KDR in my Mig-29 is mostly due to the ERs, but I’m intentionally looking for aircraft that’s above radar reflection altitude cause otherwise the ERs are dead weight.
Just as no one gets kills against me using radar missiles in nearly all matches.

Dogfighting means nothing when the ER goes mach 5 and obliterates anyone, regardless of if they crank. Pair that with the MiG29 being an insanely good dogfighter, and compare it with the rest of (especially minor) nations capabilities - asking for the Su-27 is deranged. You have a competent fighter that will see you through for the next 3 or so major updates, adding early R73s if needed. But the airframe, radar and missiles are enough. It’s without a doubt the most overpowered airframe in the game.

You outrange, outclimb, out perform and outgun pretty much every aircraft you face.

I mean there is a reason the esports tournament only had Mig 29s in it

It bugs me to no end, that there’s people who play this game who think Russia needs more firepower at top tier.
Why not focus on what USSR actually lacks? Wheeled vehicles.
BTRs and shit.
Why the Su-27, when minor nations are using a strike fighter as their best BVR plane?

The game has more than 3 nations in it, and losing is part of the game. Adding Su-27, would just be rediculous power creep and ensure that Russia continues to shit on every other aircraft. Why not push for minor nations to become more competent? Give them early versions of Eurofighter like DA.2, and limit its arsenal so it doesn’t have AMRAAMs?
I’m probably pissing in the wind here, but why would Russia need the Su27 at all?

Arguably USSR has enough light tanks /IFVS, other nations need those even more arguably as well, looking at france, great britain, israel

I don’t disagree, especially the UK. But if you don’t add at least something to USSR in every update, there’s outrage

They got the Pantsyr as a top tier vehicle, not every update needs to have a top tier vehicle for a nations a lot other nations have to do without, if you ask me ussr can do without any top tier vehicles now for at least 2-3 updates. I am not exactly sure for other nations but look at german ground, top tier ground is a long time ago even tier 6 vehicles gepard1a2 and puma are so wrongly implemented or bugged it isnt even nice to use them

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