Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

They’re still unique. Either introduced with China, or not in other tech trees.

I can still remember wanting to buy the packs when I was on holiday lmao

I remember I was happy about SdKFZ 222 announcement in the Teased Chinese TT they showed before the update that had the 2 CBT Prems


A tank that is the exact same literal tank as one found in another tree, except with a machine gun on top of it roof… is unique?

Maybe I’m weird, but I wouldn’t like to grind 4 ranks in a different tree than the one I already have just to get the exact same tank except it has a machine gun on its roof xD

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Anyone got a screen grab of what he said ?

both air and ground or is it more like got all Aircraft of that nation = Get bonus researching air in any other country

Exact same? Different models are different models. Cupolas & front ends are different.

Flag it as spam

Please don’t do that to me.

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that detail looks like its pulled straight from an Airfix kit

no way this plane has so deep recessed lines everywhere

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Report him and flag it :P we can have our own back

Because it’s a fake

A cupola or a extra machine gun it’s not a excuse to call them unique bro, sorry

and a bad one even

@Deathmisser False flagging is cringe.

@riskidd_ Unique is unique. Math is math.

I don’t know why people are doing it here now it’s annoying af

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I mean it’s is spam

the magic of thr misser

I mean there are rumors around the F-15 so it’s kinda on topic, even if the image is fake.