They’re still unique. Either introduced with China, or not in other tech trees.
I can still remember wanting to buy the packs when I was on holiday lmao
I remember I was happy about SdKFZ 222 announcement in the Teased Chinese TT they showed before the update that had the 2 CBT Prems
A tank that is the exact same literal tank as one found in another tree, except with a machine gun on top of it roof… is unique?
Maybe I’m weird, but I wouldn’t like to grind 4 ranks in a different tree than the one I already have just to get the exact same tank except it has a machine gun on its roof xD
Anyone got a screen grab of what he said ?
both air and ground or is it more like got all Aircraft of that nation = Get bonus researching air in any other country
Exact same? Different models are different models. Cupolas & front ends are different.
Flag it as spam
Please don’t do that to me.
that detail looks like its pulled straight from an Airfix kit
no way this plane has so deep recessed lines everywhere
Report him and flag it :P we can have our own back
Because it’s a fake
A cupola or a extra machine gun it’s not a excuse to call them unique bro, sorry
and a bad one even
I don’t know why people are doing it here now it’s annoying af
I mean it’s is spam
the magic of thr misser
I mean there are rumors around the F-15 so it’s kinda on topic, even if the image is fake.