Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Rush on enemy is a skill? I don’t think so…



rushing the enemy and not dying is skill


unfortuneatly hes right, no matter how much i like him
you can also ingore my argument and the prime example he gives with such a dumb statement
everyone chooses the easiest way ;)

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Clearly it’s working against people more than it’s not according to you.
Learning how to defend against blitzkrieg is a valuable skill.

Way to post a strawman fallacy. You Russian mains…

If ANY playergroup does better in equivalent vehicles it’s down to player skill, as I said previously. Stop making up arguments no one has ever said.

Have you seen Sweden’s CAS?

The KA-50 and KA-52 are the best helicopters in the game

The F-16 has much less A2G ordinance than the MiG-27 which again limits it’s effectiveness over a full match especially as Maverick B’s are pretty bad

And the Russians have the Pantsir which is universally accepted to be the best SPAA


What does bro mean

I dont see why people think the ka-50 is that good in ground rb. The ka-52 is a whole another story


Ok, got it . Another terrible spokesman of worst USSR vehicle, that only needs to be upgated.Then countinue discussion is useless…

2-2.5 depending on elevation. 1.8 if you believe the USNTMJ, but they had trouble with every other part of the ship so even that’s questionable.
American battleships are all ~1.5 give or take depending on gun crews and other circumstances.

dude is comparing a fighter to a fighter bomber

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1 = F-4F ICE
2 = ???

It’s not at the 12.0 maximum right now because its flight performance holds it back, no reason to expect it will ever be at absolute top BR regardless of its armament. Unless that is it gets the armament upgrades ahead of everything else, which seems more than a little unlikely.

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pantsir, while having autotracking, cannot hit targets without the missile going wild or simply running out of energy, youre probably the type to fly straight then say stupid pantsir killed me

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Its on par only with the AH. Mk1 which is UK

Anyway, back on topic- final proof that the Gripen “screenshot” is fake: that’s the whole source pic.

Ok in that case the US’s best CAS is an A-7, does that make the comparison better for you?

I mean it hardly matters anyways, we have confirmation that it is coming this year so either Gaijin lied which is entirely possible or it’s coming within the next 4 months anyway

2nd is Mig-29G.
Weapons increase BRs, regardless of flight performance.
A-5C is 10.0 exclusively because of Magic 1s, otherwise it’d be 9.7 with 9Js, or 9.0 with nothing.
13.3 won’t be absolute top BR.

It’s coming regardless cause we’re on the cusp of 12.3.
F-15Cs, Gripen, F-4F ICE, etc.

MiG-29G is no different to the MiG-29A in terms of gameplay though


These are my slats that I primarily use.

Correct, but it can be the R-73 carrier so 9.12 can stay 12.0.