Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Most likely what they did. as i mentioned earlier easily could be the F-15C mod already available. some mods are so well detailed they are as good if not better then in game ones.

Additional pic showing the mod in the hanger itself

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The big difference between the 7F and 7M IRL is that the 7M uses a monopulse seeker to improve accuracy.

All SARHs in WT are currently modelled as monopulse seekers. Why? Presumably game balance because most of the ones that aren’t would be pretty useless.

Could be the same one. It’s too blurry to ID (probably on purpose) but the nosecone is the off-white color in both images.

If it’s a fake, someone did their due diligence with the “new vehicle” gold stripe

Witch one?

1.87 had 2A5, T-80U, Ariete, Challenger 2, and M1A1 all came in the same update.

1.89 had Leclerc & another Ariete.

New Power had Leclerc S2, 122 PLSS, and T-90A

Winged Lions has the Leclerc SXXI and Chally 2 TES

Fire and Ice had the TKX, Leopard 2A6 (Fin), and M1A2 SEP

The last time we got top tier MBTs was Sky Guardians, which had the Merkava IV LIC, Chally 2E, and Ariete AMV

So negative ghostrider, rarely are they ones and twos unless a new tree or line is added

@ArmyKris1 the F-15 in the background of the “leak” has the same off-white nosecone as the mod, but that could very well be down to realism


I see, i was going to say that it looked to me like a F-14 then i saw the jet in the backround, tho i agree it looks like a F-15 unless they have somehow gotten a Yak 141 there somehow

I didn’t get a chance to post abt this earlier, some news out of WT Mobile: [Coming soon] Four Huge Ships and a Sub - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free

Their own upcoming major update will be moving them firmly ahead of us in surface ships, they’ll be making playable the battleships USS Iowa (BB-61)

Tirpitz( in 1944 refit )

Stalingrad BC

and HMS King George V( in 1945 refit )

As I always do when these ships appear, a reminder that the ever-relevant leak included both Tirpitz

and Stalingrad BC

as well as the Pvkv IV devblogged a few days ago

and perhaps some other vehicles we’ll see this update.

We’ve also had ships added here that first appeared in Mobile, the aircraft carriers USS Lexington(CV-2) and HMS Illustrious(87) which were implemented in update Apex Predators first appeared in the files of War Thunder: Edge, the test-phase beta game now called WT Mobile.
Since vehicle models have historically been shared between both games, we can probably use the appearance of those ships not present here to predict what form( refits, etc. ) they’ll be in once they are.

One conspicuous absence from the devblog is IJN Yamato, which is - like the above battleships - already present in WTM 's files and progression line

It was also mentioned by name by Bvvd in an interview w/, where he stated that the ship is planned to appear in WT:E( now WTM ) before it comes here. W/ so many of the ships close to her level now appearing there, it seems like it won’t be too long before it does - but the wait for her to come here after that is still indeterminate, as is the one for the other not-in-WT ships present in Mobile.
What I’m waiting for is to see whether we’ll have some of them( top-BR and not ) added to WT before Yamato becomes playable in WTM, or if that wait is applicable to all WTM naval vessels as well her.

If this is considered " low-level ", what 's a " high-level " one going to be ?

Whoever made up this leaklist probably got it from the old american aviation roadmap:

Though w/ the increased use of foldering planned for aviation and ground next update, it 's not impossible we could see old " redundant " additions make their way into the game - we’ve seen that some( possibly all, but we haven’t seen them all ) are modelled and ready to go, like the A-20A from

Though it 's no more likely to see these aircraft this update than it is in subsequent ones, if ever.

Abt these, the romanian Pz.35 appeared alongside the O3U-1 in a similar situation a few months ago, on the repcost streamlining spreadsheet. It had previously appeared in the update Fire and Ice RU devstream, but obviously was not implemented then. A loading/interstitial screen exists in the files, along w/ a statcard image for it

The A6M5(PRC) was one of the many aircraft long sat in the files prior to the implementation of UHD textures, and can even be made to appear ingame in certain circumstances: in the Mission Editor for CN aircraft, it can sometimes be selected as an enemy fighter under the AI control.

As for the O3U-1, while it might point to the addition of further american ships it may also be safe to speculate it 's for the USS Wyoming(BB-32), to replace her low-detail UO-1 props 's w/ a player-usable aircraft.


Couldn’t the Israeli F 15-C carry tv guided bombs/missiles like the GBU 15, and or Popeye?
Used in the Sania/Tunisia air raids.

All F-15s are compatible with guided weapons straight from the factory. There is an old MDD brochure talking about how the F-15 is more than an air superiority fighter and mentions it.


KGV in 1945? Didn’t she have catapult and hydroplane?

By the way, if you have SC seahawk and KOR-2 Gaijin, please give it ASAP! Why Alaska is still suffering with old Kingfisher and Kronshtadt and Voroshilov has unhistorical KOR-1!

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Big boat boatbleg. I like it.

Germany will not be getting any F-15’s… twin seat or otherwise.

At the top end this is all that’s left:
F-4F ICE (immanent)
Typhoon (med-term)
F-35A (long-term)
Tornado ECR - if they ever go down an electronic warfare/SEAD path.

gajin could do it because so few is left, they can give germany evaluated aircraft like with japan, the difference is that germans even flew them for evaluation. The Hornet F/A 18 got evaluated as well. That or they gonna go the sub nation route with dutch/ polish F16

Germany doesnt need any F-15 models.

When F4F İCE will added Germany will recieve their first Fox3 experience.

When Eurofighter Typhoon will added they will gain access to one of the most powerful fighter jet in aviation history.

F-15 Eagle belongs to Usa, Israel and Japan and gaijin should keep it that way.

Germany could get swiss Hornets.
Good platform for CAS too

Typhoon can do the same thing.

So i disagree

Of course, and it should be added to the German tree as soon as it’s deemed so by Gaijin
But the addition of a Swiss Horner is also possible. Keep some sort of variety in the tree

İts possible i guess.

But this also means Sweeden will most likely get access to Danish F-16 and Finnish F-18 models.

You say that but they added the F-16AJ to Japan despite the fact the F-4EJ Kai was there, it wouldn’t be a stretch for them to add the F-15 to Germany even though they have an F-4F ICE, or they could add a Fox3 capable MiG-29, the fact is they have added aircraft to nations using a very loose historical basis before, it stands to reason that they will do it again to fill gaps in the tech tree.


I mean there is already a Finnish sub tree so when the F/A-18C comes to the game Sweden will get one, that’s just common sense