Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

If gajin thinks it could close tech tree gaps ,sure britain should get them, hell britain is likely to get the grippen and thats not a very britain plane either only 1 is owned

Bock standart Phantom Huh?

İt basically has F-18 radar with many upgrades alongside with all-aspect Sidewinders and Amraams.

Calling İCE as a standart Phantom is insult actually.

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Radar yes, but the engines and model stays the same

The all aspwct sidewinders should be on the current f4f allready, but they didnt because it would be to bad on that br

So just because Germany decided to upgrade their Phantoms instead of getting new 4th gen jet does that mean we should add every possible 4th gen to Germany?

According to this logic Germany should get F-22 because they are gonna get F-35A in the future.

İf you want F-15 then you should grind the nations who’s operating primarily , not asking for a plane that has nothing to do with Germany.

Asking Swiss F-18 is much more reasonable actually since we could tie swiss airforce to German tree in this game.

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No i never said that, i mentioned evaluated versions , and they dont need to get then at the same time as every one else, they didnt use them officialy, but they could get them 1-3 patches later then the others, so that air players have sth to do and dont get bored , and this is sth that should be done for every nation that needs it or else you are at a point where pnly russia and us receive new content updates

[quote=“x_Shini_, post:5296, topic:595”]
The problem with the Ice is it still ist just a bock standard phantom that just got missles strapped to it, at the br of fox 3s it will completly suck compared to every other fox 3 slinger at that br range[/quote]

You need to read more about the ICE program, this is not correct.
It had the same radar as the F/A18 while being a significantly faster airframe than the F/A18, in a BVR fight you’d be better off in an ICE than an Hornet. It will be more or less on par with the Tornado F.3 and F-16 ADF & C and vastly superior to the Sea Harrier FA.2 & AV-8B+.

[quote=“x_Shini_, post:5297, topic:595”]
If gajin thinks it could close tech tree gaps ,sure britain should get them, hell britain is likely to get the grippen and thats not a very britain plane either only 1 is owned it[/quote]

Except the South African sub-tree already exists for the UK armour line, it’s really not much of a stretch to add them to the aviation tree. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone suggest the UK should/could get the Gripen on the basis of the ETPS Gripen, it is always argued on the basis of the SAAF.

The F-16AJ was a colossal mistake and sets an exceedingly stupid precedent. Paper planes and evaluation studies should not be valid arguments for adding fictional vehicles.

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Sub tress can solve the same issue yeah gettin the swiss f/a 18 and a dutch/polish f16 would solve the same issue of new content and keep the players playing

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This is not Logical in any sense.

According to this logic France should get F-15 and F-18 since French pilots used those planes in trials, but as French main i dont claim that France should get those planes because it doesnt make any sense.

Gaijin already made a mess when they added trial Mi-28A and T80-U to Swedish tech tree, what you are asking will basically cause more mess.

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Fact is ,it happend and is likely to happen again

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As likely as any of the unverified leak list, but boy am I hoping UK gets something top tier…

Does someone has this list separated for each nation? I don’t know some tanks/planes/ship on this list

Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Japan didn’t need the AJ and the AJ never actually existed.

I’d also like to know why you feel that Germany needs a Swiss Hornet AND a " dutch/polish f16"… when they don’t actually need or justification for either.

Ok but then what gap was the F-16AJ filling then?

Because if you say flight performance then your argument that the F-4F ICE fills the same role as a US F-15 with AMRAAMs suddenly doesn’t hold ip so well.

I did read trough the upgrade i didnt mention radar yes, but it flies pretty similar to tornados and will play like tornado adv, they just arent that good and get killed by every other fighter because it develops into dog fights, either i have no time gotta mow the lawn, fact is it already happend with the japan f16 and it is likely to happen again, to keep a flow of content to ebery nation

Content flow that easy

Mosquito - UK Air WW2
Chaparral - US SPAA
to55 - USSR MBT
mbt2000 - China MBT
super entendard - France, possibly germany (argentine) air
Lecxxi azur - France, MBT (leclerc?)
Amx10ACRA - France tank
XP72 - USA air
Gnat Mk.1 - UK Air
2s1 - USSR spg
T90- British tank
Leo PSO - German MBT
Mi8 - USSR heli
Oh58d - USA heli


The rest i’m assuming are boats

Dream on, you are not getting an F-15… end.

Sub trees after maybe south africa were a mistake.

At least the south african ground sub tree added some unique vehicles. Now people just use sub trees as an excuse to get most vehicles from other trees.