Someone Explain the M735 Nerf

let’s not include russian fantasy tanks here…^^
It’s a open secret with russian stuff getting buffs left and right and everything else well get the nerfbat XD

nope what i said was that is the same as when the leopard L44 and xm1 where on the same br
And people complained that the xm1 had lower pen ignoring the huge advantage with mobility^^
Same goes for light tanks they lose weight/armour for better mobility
But a light tank should not be able to win a head on engagement vs a mbt on range otherwise there would be no reason to play a mbt anymore…^^

and with mbt i mean stuff like leopard 2 chally t64/72/80

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be sure to tell “them” about the 2S25 & 2S25M, both get MBT caliber guns with matching rounds @ 9.3 & 9.7 (GFAB). Let’s compare Wheeled vehicles shall we:

Cent 120 (Br11.3) Cl3143, 589mm @ 0m; +297mm
M1128 (Br9.3) M900, 522mm @ 0m; +230mm
ZLT-11 (Br9.7) DTW-2, 491mm @ 0m; +199mm
Class 3P(Br9.0),Rooikat105(Br9.0), RAD90(Br9.7), Cent 105R (Br9.3), CTTV105HP(Br9.7) DM33, 408mm @ 0m; +116mm
Type 16 (Br9.7) Type 93, 405mm @ 0m; +113mm
PLT2 (Br8.7) DYW, 381mm @ 0m; +89mm
cent 105, WMA301, DM23, 337mm @ 0m; +45mm
AMX-10RC (Br8.3) OFL105F3, 325mm @ 0m, +33mm
Type 16 (P)& (FPS) (Br9.3) M735, 292mm @ 0m

these are all the “Wheelyboys” as fas as i know, with similar guns or BR’s. As shown the Type 16’s have the Worst round by far compared to the rest, this they could compensate in part with their good Hp/t ratio and TVD.

Best case scenario is give them Type 93 and uptier to 9.7 with the Regular Type 16, so it’s no longer alone at that BR. Only problem is the the Type 73 (G) is alone at 9.3 ;(



if you compare stuff just dont do the rounds…
take radkampf as example no thermals still 9.7

Also i didnt know 2s25 and 2s25m could drive around with what 80+ kph ?
but my point still stands, those tanks are not made to fight head on vs mbts
And should not be able to lol pen most of them :)

Sorry but those just nonsenses.

Those vehicles have those rounds irl its because companies realize that they can face any sort of danger, so giving them powerful shells is ok.

Light vehicles trades survivability in exchange of better mobility and firepower.

except no armour is best armour in this game
and they just get benefits from it lol

ah yes

that makes it ok to lol pen everything :)

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I already explained to you the downsides of having next to no armor

2S25s are probably the slowest in that comparision, with only few vehicles having worse horsepower/ton.
2S25M is 10.0, has been 10.0 for long. Just a guess.
Consider horsepower, reverse gear, maximum speed, turret rotation speed, depression, how fast gun goes up and down, how good stab it is, armour (yes, even on light tanks), sights, commander sights and if commander gunner control is present, thermals or nvg quility, size.

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2S25s are limited to 70 kph.
You are right, these tanks may not be made to fight MBTs, however they are given all the capability to do so by the design team, they arent limited to using APDSFS against targets or to pierce a wall.

If your argument was somehow right, we wouldnt have any AP ammo belts on SPAAs, especially on the ones where their amount isnt restricted.

Literally most if not light tanks in the game have better guns than mediums while having slightly worse guns than tank destroyers.

7/10 times this claim doesnt work and those 3 times happens to everyone.

Ah Yes because Type-93 shell on Type-16 will lolpen any mbt it faces right :)


Now do it for 60 degrees.

When i wrote this i didn’t have access to the game only wiki, and they only do 0 degrees.

but here ya go:

M735 0m@60 169mm, compared to the most common 105 round at 9.3 the DM33(105) 236mm. That’s and increase of almost 40%, and since Type-93 is slightly worse then DM33, it would be a perfect fit, with the mentioned possible bump in BR.

the only ones who have a lesser increase in pen are the two CHN Wheelies at BR 8.7, because the top boy at 9.7 has 284mm@60.

CL3143 has 340mm@60;
M900 has 302mm@60;
3BM42 has 264mm@60;
3BM46 has 308mm@60;

Nope, both 2S25 have >50Hp/t that’s equal to RAD90, type 16 sits at 40 ish. and 2S25 has reverse gear box so 78/78kph. And lets not forget the way Wheels handle in difficult terrain and up hill,a nd the loss of mobility if 1 tire get punctured by MG fire.

The reason for me the RAD 90 is 9.7, it has 51,4 hp/t and front and rear axle steer so tighter turns.
And has a Leo1A3 turret, so it can handle auto-canon fire to the turret. and in AB the lack of TVD is negligible.


Dec 11 and still not fixed

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Dec 16 and they still not reverted it so this nerd was intentional as every flaw on western tanks.



If ti wasn’t intentional, it would have been rolled back almost immediately. It’s now been more than a major update.

It was nerfed in a heartbeat, but it’s been months since, so yeah, no excuses, it was intentional.


War Thunder Devs just toying with us, they give Chinese or Russian tanks thing via YT videos, and implement bug fixes almost immediately but can’t undo this M735 nerf or add something in the same.manmer to western tanks.


It was definitely intentional, like Gaijin nerfing the weight of M82 a while back. Still won’t fix it.


It is now going into 2024 and they still havent fixed it. If it is intentional then the customers should be entitled to refunds! They cant sell something and then make it worse!


@Conraire any news?

Does anyone here have any documents on the shell?

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They are making the 9.3 Americans really ugly, they are depower bullets because people complain that the gampaly is unbalanced when there is no imbalance of a bullet that penetrated at the beginning 353, then depowered at 298 and now 292.

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