Someone Explain the M735 Nerf

did they ever unnerf it

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Not since I last checked

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:( ive play Type16FPS for more than 2weeks, M735 make me feel pain, why gaijin nerf the M735 when its even can be the best round in 9.3 tanks

imagine you play a undertiered wheeli boy with all the goodis you can imagine and complain you cant lol pen anything when you can drive around them…

same problem as ppl had with xm1 and lower pen the leotard L44 lmao

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Wanna see them finally apply this formula to soviet MBTs, but obviously we won’t see it lol

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You drive around them and make fuckall damage. Also it is not always possible or practical to drive around.

so ?
Do what 90% of the com does,shoot barrel or breach…
saddest? move but well

Sure lets raise to 9.7 and give it Type-93 shell.

İ believe many people who owns Type-16FPS (including me) will be happy with that.


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This suggestion was already passed to developers.

Then we also need to bump regular Type-16 to 10.0.

if it would get the same shell sure or prob even higher, light tanks should not be able to lol pen everything head on like they currently do^^

But light tanks sacrifices armor in exchange to get better firepower, thats deal.

9.7-10.0 is fine for Type-16 for now but guess it can be raised in the future.

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could you uhh give me a link for that?

For what? As I said it was already passed to developers, it reached necessary amount of votes and voting stopped. It is also on russian speaking forum.

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ok, thanks

Undertiered how? It’s using a 8.7 round that now preforms to equivalent of 8.3-8.0 rounds. The only thing it has going for it is mobility and at the cost of being obliterated by any aircraft that sees it. Someone out positioning you and you being blind to your surroundings doesn’t make other vehicles overpowered.

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thats like all tanks if the pilot knows what he does su25 a10 etc all have no trouble penning mbt’s so that’s not a “light problem”

what the f you talking about
there is a difference between just lolpenning? your enemy from 2km range head on and or using your mobility to get to the side ? ;)

getting knocked by a A10 or SU25 is one thing, dyeing to any plane with a 20mm or larger is another. any size bomb, any size rocket, just about anything. where as most MBTs are mostly impervious to aircraft guns, including most russian mbts to the a10 after its nerf.

you would be correct, and the type16 and xm1 could not lolpen anything from the front. they can only flank. so i considered that you were talking about that rather than just blatantly lying as the m735 prenerf was already one of the weakest rounds at its br