When was the last time a Russian tank had any problem with its rounds penetrating enemy armor? When was the last time a Russian tank hit enemy armor only for it to do little to no damage? Russian tanks have the reactive armor but that is only good against chemical rounds, but in war thunder its armor that protects against APFSDS as well. Shoot at the front of a T80 Non Pen, Ricochet , hit, non pen, hit, non pen, non pen. Hit Fuel Tank, non pen , non pen ,non pen, Ricochet, Driver… now the t80 is done shooting at its original target it will turn its turret and kill you. With this community all you really get in response is Skill issue, get good.
You need to consider they have to wait longer for other nice things. For example, their gun handling and mobility is kinda crap until you get to top tier (for the most part).
What’s the problem ?
Why can’t you just take half a second and aim properly at their LFP, driver’s port or the side of their turret, considering they aren’t looking at you.
Also, I’ve seen your most used tank around that BR is M60 AMBT, a tank which has KE-W round and quite honestly, that round will eat TURMS and 80B alive.
Yea i won that MB60 AMBT in a chest and it is really a nice tank. Like most US tanks no real good protection. With that tank i didnt have any real issues as I could get some pen going. Ive finally got the M1 Abrams unlocked so was using that and having loads of issues. Ive shot side turrets, ive shot Leos in their ammo rack, ive shot at all the weak spots i did with the Ke-w round and most of the time was hit no damage. With the M735 i shot in the side of the turret, the side of the main tank, the lower glacis when shooting head on, the barrel, the weak spot around the barrel, all the normal places. The M735 only has 292MM of pen right now and it causes issues where almost everything bounces or does very minimal damage. I ended up using HEATFS until i could unlock the M774. I have some issues with that round but still way better than the M735 as i at least get more pen.
I’ve also played M1 after the M735 nerf but it was still more than playable.
Yikes, even M735 is better than HEAT in my eyes.
Trust me, I hated it. everything has chem protection at 10.3 lol. I had to hunt light tanks and take pot shots at the other MBT’s near team mates just so i could get an assist. I did end up having better luck with the HEATFS than M735 though.
They should just replace the M735 with M774 and then give it DM33 as it’s compatible with all NATO 105mm guns
M833 is a DM33 equivalent round. No need to give US tanks German rounds.
Would love to see it ingame then.
It’s in game on the M1IP but Gaijin refuses to add it to lower BR tanks.
İs there also something wrong with M774?
My experience with M1 KVT today was mixed to terrible because of how poorly M774 performed.
The M1 KVT is exactly the same as the M1 Abrams it just has a dress up kit on it for war games. The M774 is ok but only pens up to 372mm. The M1 is a 105mm gun so when you get to the M1A1 thats when you get the 120mm gun and you get more powerful penetration. So at 10.3 the Abrams suffer with low penetration but they are fast and maneuverable, the KVT is a bit heavier due to the kit. Best used as a flanking tank and definitely not a head on brawler.
The M60 AMBT gets the KE-W round that gets pen up to 583mm and is at 10.0 BR. The abrams will get the M821A1 at BR 11.0 that pens 598mm. You will have a much better time once you get there
İ think you’re confused me as a new player :)
İ know how high tier tanks or ammunition works, got multiple top tier line-ups on different nations.
İ just asked if something is wrong about M774.
Then no
Then its just the fact that M774 is nothing but a incosistent shell.
Doubt it.
Just recently spaded M1 and M774 feels fine, I had pretty decent success using it.
M774 is over performing so Gaijin doesn’t have to add M833. They increased the penetrator length to artificially buff performance instead of just adding M833 like they should have.
Yesterday İt was a mixed experience for me tbh.
Some rounds it was performing like 3BM60 and other ones it was performing terrible.
Penetration isnt problem for me, as long as rng doesnt troll me ofc.
Problem was the post pen damage, it was really inconsistent.
m735 get nerfed and the type16 get higher br… nice gaijin logic… autism…
Still not fixed.
Unintentional nerf seems pretty intentional when things are not corrected.