Someone Explain the M735 Nerf

Been using it to kill T-tanks and 2A4s until I get to M774.
It can get the job done, you’ll still aim at the same weakspots of T-tanks, only problem are Leopards since their hull is much more resistant to it now.

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You should know by now that all US tanks has no armor or decent penetration on their rounds. Every US tank was made to be an urban brawler who has to flank to be able to pen anything. It doesn’t matter that they’ve had the largest military budget since WWI ended, theres no way they could have improved their ammunition enough to make a 105mm round that much better than a 90mm round in 20 years, clearly. Gaijin would never misrepresent US vehicles and how they perform compared to real life


The classic, us tanks just have to aim for weak spots in these tiny areas that are easily covered and impossible to hit if you have higher than 30 ping. It’s getting very tiresome having to do that throughout the entirety of the tree


Don’t forget during the 8.0 area “decompression” where all the US 8.0 tanks went up, their Russian counterparts in the same area went up as well but all got reload buffs for no reason


also remember the heatfs nerf was for everyone (even china, who uses 125mm heatfs) except russia. just something i thought was funny


yeah im going to grind Japan soon :(

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There are countless examples of this now and M735 is just the latest in this trend.

I have no faith at this point that M735 will be fixed in any way shape or form, no matter what gaijin reps state, they have consistently proven they have no credibility when it comes to the actual technical aspects of the equipment they are adding.


This is not true. The reason that american ammunition, or all for that matter, feels weak is because the Russian T series tanks are overperforming underneath their kontakt 5 era by over 100mm LOS (their composite arrays) The ammunition data is pretty accurate, except for A2 missing its anti ERA tip.

But for example m829a1 should technically be able to penetrate any K5 equipped tank under 1200m.


From what I’ve read, M735 should be very similar to 105 DM33. Though that’s reading numbers online and comparing them to ingame so I’m sure they’re somewhat inaccurate. Wrong armor values on Russian tanks is very believable though as it wouldn’t have been the first time.


No M735 is definitely not comparable to DM33, just looking at both designs shows you.

M833 should be similar to DM33 but Gaijin ground devs think M833 is a 10.7 round, while DM33 is a 9.0 round.


M774 is comparable to Dm33. Iirc. And its DU. I definitely dont believe a composite penetrator has the same penetration potential as a newer longer round like 105mm Dm33

Edit this is false m833 is comparable to Dm33 ur right but m735 is NOT comparable to 833, it is to m774 tho


Yea no. It was considered inferior to M111/DM23, to make it comparable to M416/DM33 you’d have to break every single law of physics that pertains projectile - armour interactions, as well as make its alloy from pure bullshitium.


so you mean it would need to be a russian projectile ?`

Japan too

Type 16 fps and P

Don’t lol just don’t

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Not really. Sure, Japan gets M735 but only until they unlocked Type 93.

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Type 16 p and fps only use m735