2 months?
It’s February my guy, this thread started in October
It has been nearly 4 months already
2 months?
It’s February my guy, this thread started in October
It has been nearly 4 months already
March, 5 months later and nothing.
Not entirely shocking…
Absolutely not surprising,
Again, if it was Russian it would’ve been reverted immediately.
This does make me wonder if somebody could just make a bunch of reports falsifying US equipment info and get a bunch of things nerfed if they wanted too, as this is a glowing example of gaijin not vetting info that nerfs US equipment and just running with it.
Ok well, I guess gaijin walked back their admission that they are wrong and now think that they are right.
So yeah, you can just make false reports nerfing US equipment and it will get past gaijin.
ah yes trickZZter like always
Yes, it was corrected…
Agh bug reports so obnoxious sometimes, and they close the report immediately after so the author can’t say anything. Just “blah blah more information” or “blah no” and CLOSED. (How am I supposed to provide more info if you’re gonna close the damn report?)
And then you gotta roll the dice again and hope you don’t end up with one of those reports that remains open forever.
And yes, I am biased:
I would have closed it as well. It’s an invalid report with no sourcing or anything to add to the in-depth internal report I have already made.
As of yet, no, I haven’t heard anything yet about movement on the report.
I don’t care if it’s a bug or not, it’s a garbage shell that you can’t just nerf into the ground and then not adjust BRs or replace it with something functional, pulling my hair out to unlock some tier 3 garbage at 9.3 only to endlessly go up against 10.3s anyways so Gaijin can rake in the money at the expense of gameplay.
Why does a shell from the 70s get used in modern vehicles who face 10.3s when it’s an 8.3 shell.
This. Due to all the 10.3 premiums Gaijin is selling 9.3 is now an all but dead BR. Thus a shell that was already mediocre at 9.3 is constantly being forced to fight 10.3 vehicles where it becomes all but useless. If M735 will not be reverted then Gaijjn should give the XM-1 M774. It is not an overpowered shell at 9.3 and would give the XM-1 a chance of actually doing well during the regular uptiers.
M735 is actually proof of what people have said all along about gaijin. I actually know someone whos considering a class action lawsuit against gaijin for false advertisement. Gaijin is just shooting themselves in the foot over and over.
So, anything?
Let me know if they do, I’m definitely on board for one.
lol… that book in the bug report " ☠💀
With M735 still not fix. Maybe asking for M735A1 to replace them (M735 but depleted uranium) should be viable options.
M735 is already DU.
Huh? The standard M735 is a Tungsten round.