Someone Explain the M735 Nerf

This. Due to all the 10.3 premiums Gaijin is selling 9.3 is now an all but dead BR. Thus a shell that was already mediocre at 9.3 is constantly being forced to fight 10.3 vehicles where it becomes all but useless. If M735 will not be reverted then Gaijjn should give the XM-1 M774. It is not an overpowered shell at 9.3 and would give the XM-1 a chance of actually doing well during the regular uptiers.


M735 is actually proof of what people have said all along about gaijin. I actually know someone whos considering a class action lawsuit against gaijin for false advertisement. Gaijin is just shooting themselves in the foot over and over.


So, anything?

Let me know if they do, I’m definitely on board for one.

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lol… that book in the bug report " ☠💀

With M735 still not fix. Maybe asking for M735A1 to replace them (M735 but depleted uranium) should be viable options.

M735 is already DU.

Huh? The standard M735 is a Tungsten round.

Gaijin has it modelled with 18500 density, pretty sure that must be DU given the time period.

That’s because we have actual data for M735s alloy density, but it indeed is a Tungsten rod.



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I might be missing it because I’m tired right now, but where does it state the density on that source?

Not this one specifically tbh, for that you will have to ask @Conraire I believe. The one I posted is to show that M735 (not E1 which is the DU version), is a Tungsten projectile because of what it states on the image; “Tungsten Alloy Grade X11”.

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Yes, I’m aware that M735 is Tungsten IRL, but I’m merely pointing out that Gaijin has it modelled as what I presume to be DU given the density they attributed to it.

Perhaps M735 had a density of 18500 with Tungsten, but that seems odd to me given the time period?


hmm… interesting. If that really the case. then Gaijin would need to change its name to not confuse people.

But with what Jεcka show. I’ll wait for more information on M735 vs M735A1 difference. (like estimate or calculation)
As it seem there still ain’t much on M735A1 side.

For what i’ve found. Steven Zaloga in his old book on the M1 wrote that the Israeli tank battalion credited with knocking out T-72s in Lebanon in 1982 using round with comparable performance to the M735A1. Likely M111 Hetz

M111 stat currently in-game
M111 stat WT

The density is stated in another document


However, that source isn’t necessarily 100% correct. The XM578/579 Projectile, used Kennametal W-2 Tungsten alloy. Which is a 97.2% W, with Ni, Fe, Cu, Co mix.

Teledyne Firth Sterling, X11 Tungsten alloy, is a Class 4 alloy of approximately the same density as W-2, but with a different alloy composition and improved mechanical properties.



Think this is from another document

I’ve also found the original document source for this image.


As far as M735A1, the core would have the same density as regular M735, as the processing of the green salts for the DU blanks was still being perfected at the time. Going by my L-O Jacketed Calcs, if both rounds were performing properly, M735A1 would be about 3mm worse at 10m, and 6mm better at 2000m vertical…