You nor Gaijin will not and cannot stop me or anyone else from committing ODL as much as we see fit.
If you think punishing us or trying to stop us will make a difference - It won’t. What will end up happening is abandonment of the game and the losing out on investment for Gaijin’s wallet.
Punish the people for leave is just the typical bad idea from Gaijin. You cant force people stay playing when the gameplay is extremly bad.
You really want player spwam more tanks/planes and dont leave early in the game?? simple start with:
-Improve the redward and progression.
-Improve balance and reduce the impact of P2W.
-Hire good map creators.
-Fix problems quick and improve the actual maps (all maps have hitboxes problems since years)
-Add a proper map rotation.
-Remove the ULQ (FGS we are in 2024 ULQ is not needed anymore)
-No more pathetic propaganda for certain nation.
For make the people stay more in battles the only way is improve the game and make it better when punishments you only obtain more hate and megative response from the community and right now is very high.
You don’t go out of your way to specify you solely mean top tier tier or near. This is a common issue on this forum where many players have a cut off limit and only play lower down and many players only play top. We all assume that others know what we mean.WW2 and top is almost like two different games.
Top tier has tier above it and this is a cause for concern for many with some people just below top tier only ever getting the up tier and those at top tier never getting untired because there is no tier above.
If you read this post you see the issue some players have with the creation of a two division game giving a top tier with no tier above as a reason for not doing the split.
So is this the same reason for such heavy ODL at top tier? It may seem a tenuous link but is it the answer? You might also link to the issue of CAS and Map size at top tier as well.
I do find that despite the forums fixation with keeping topics apart that many are actually related and cause the same issue and same symptom.
Full disclosure because I dont play a ton of ground or have near the experience of the others posting here, but isnt the mechanism to handle this already built in?
For the players with a limited line up due to premium purchasing you could account for that ahead of time in the queue and adjust the SP cost of tanks* for people in the match that have the sufficient vehicle count.
They are still at a disadvantage for having less allies holding important positions but have the option to fight longer.
I have just gotten to the higher tiers and believe me, it’s a downer seeing all of these players leave after just one death.
It ruins the game for everyone.
For the side with most ODL people, they don’t have a shot to win or get more XP. Most of the time they end up spawn camped.
For the side with the least ODL people, you win… sure, but you make far less XP because of the lack of opposition and you have to compete for kills.
My solution, and this extreme may be because I am new to the upper tiers and it’s pissed me off so much, is that when you leave while still having enough points to pull another Vehicle that you get 0xp and Silver for the fight. No rewards. No nothing. It was like you didn’t even do anything.
If you do it 3 times in a 24 hour period, then they should be suspended for 24 hours.
When you are that selfish of a person, there should be consequences.
Of course and 48 after the implementation of this “great” idea the game is empty of players. If people ddsnt end the battles is mainly for the horrible gameplay not because they are trash.
I don’t play online games to be punished. I have enough tax and fines for every transgression in real life I don’t need it in a game as well. This is a game not work or school.