Smaller team sizes top tier sim

I love to play russia top tier sim but I’m always outnumbered. Very rarely I find a game where it’s even. I would love it if you could add smaller team sizes like what you did with realistic battles.


i’d love if it was a fixed size, but i dont see gaijin doing that.

sim is a weird game mode. its mainly characterized by the ease to join and leave a lobby all while not getting crew locked like the other game modes which is why alot if not majority leave at the slightest incontinences they face.

Died to the same F-16 spamming 120’s twice? you can just leave and have a fresh start in another lobby.
Someone intercepting your bombing runs? leave and join another lobby where you can bomb in peace.

As long as people leave the lobby when they feel like it, one side is always doomed to be outnumbered and can you really blame them, especially at toptier, where there is a big gap btwn red team and blue team.

Unless more people flood to sim to replace those who left (which i doubt with how messed up some mechanics are), games would be like this for a while


The chances of any kind of forced team balancing coming to Air SB will be slim to none. As it currently stands it is hard to find games as an American main. Even something as simple as not allowing the USA side to have a +4 player advantage or kicking players out to compensate for Red side players leaving is just going to freeze people out of being able to play the game mode.

Red side being stomped to oblivion and blue side having 90 percent win rates has been a fact of life since the F-16C was added and has only been exacerbated by the multipath reduction and ARH missiles. The only real solution that red side players have found is essentially banding together in a couple of different discords in order to make the game at least playable through teamwork.

And I don’t really see that changing anytime soon. The next update is predominantly a CAS focused update and the F-15E is probably going to be better in Sim EC when it comes to bleeding tickets and it’s air to air armament is still going to be AMRAAMs…but now with the ability to wipe a ground battle in a single pass. The only niche the Su-34 will have is being used as an ersatz fighter due to the PESA radar and the ability to carry more R-27ETs than the normal Su-27s.

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This situation has been ongoing for at least several years, and nothing is likely to change.

i loaded into a match in my 2K-5F with another 2K. when we got into the match the other team all of a sudden had 4 players and my teammate bombed a base, died and left. i literally had no choice but to leave the match cause you must think im crazy if you think im tryna 1v4.

Bro always has crazy ideas. I’m sure you won’t complain when you get kicked out while busy fighting due to one enemy leaving.

Do you have any suggestions?

The current state of top tier sim is basically unplayable for anyone that isn’t working in a dedicated squad on the Red side.

It kills interest in the game mode because one side easily winning the vast majority of the time is not interesting gameplay.

The people that want to play Blue side can’t find games because there isn’t enough Red side players that are interested in being farmed. And the number of people that are interested in playing Red dwindles because most players do not like being faced with insurmountable odds.

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I think Gaijin would decrease the player amount requirement to start a battle or allow mixed countries battle (that is US vs US for example) if too many players choose to play a specified nation.

Anyways restricting what players can do is not a good idea, such as kicking players on one side or disallowing players to leave.

Why is decreasing the amount of players required to start a battle good? It already only takes a total of 4 players…any reduction would be to 1v1 or 1v2.

Mixed battles are already allowed. Often times these are the only battles that you will find for top tier and the tier just below that.

That may make it easier for you to join a battle.

In my experience I find the playerbase is so small. I mainly play my 10.7 A-10 and it takes me 15-20 minutes to start a Winter Stalingrad lobby (which is the only map I can fight back some PvP. In other maps idk why but it’s so hard to find enemies as a small black dot)

It just makes it easier for players to start new battles. The issue isn’t that there is a lack of Blue players…the issue is that there is a lack of Red players. And Red players are not playing the game at top tier because it’s unfun to be vastly outnumbered the majority of the time.

With the way that the game works… anytime a blue player leaves the game…there are multiple waiting to fill that slot. A lot of the time when a red player joins a match it will make the lobby balanced enough to open a new blue slot. The way that this works out is that red team is fairly consistently down by 4 players and that +4 player advantage snowballs into a +8 advantage as red team players quit and nobody is willing to take their place.

If you are struggling to fight back in the A-10 on any of the other maps because you cannot see enemy planes without contrails behind them…then that is a skill issue.

Basically what you are asking for is for the ability to create brand new games with even less players in them whenever the map doesn’t suit you.

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I think expanding maps would help, toptier aircraft would have time to clim to hight alt and use full potencial of theyer avionick. Players would be spred around the hole map and it would be much more about the skill rether than flying low and hoping the missal miss. And than dogfight with the fear of an nother ennemy taking you down with radar missals. Dogfight would maybe be less often but when you got fox3 missals witch could hit target on the range of the hole todays map, it would be nice to fully use ower planes.

Actually this is very good idea