SL and RP penalties for non Strike aircraft bombing bases

This might be the stupidest idea i’ve ever seen.

I suppose the core of the issue is the grind that encourages getting points over winning, but thats a discussion for another topic.

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So instead of the fighters fighting they should put bases everywhere so everyone can spend the entire match bombing bases to grind out the tech tree. ok that sounds like a plan.

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well the snail is already broken jets gameplay. in mid tier fighters are fighting and bombers are bombing, because fighters dont have any bomb load. well, they do have some, but its not worth it at all.
jet fighters on the other hand, often have more power to destroy bases, than strikers lol. what made strikers is guided weaponry, which is completely worthless outside of trb. maybe thats the thing snail should change.
if they would care about gameplay of course.

Yea that is true. there needs to be something for strikes to be able to have an easier time to get the mods unlocked other than paying for them. with air rb its annoying because your subsonic and your going to get swarmed before you even make it to friendly bases. if you fly to the edge of the map to try and hide to come in and get ground targets or bases the match is typically over leaving you with a 0 score.

Yes, because the current top-tier fox 3 spam sounds so much better and more fun /s

Perhaps consider the following: Bases used to be like they were for a reason. Gaijin changed them for another reason. What do you think that second one was?

well there is kinda easy way in ARB - fly left with everyone else. most of the time im making to the bases, but most of the time they are not there - Phantoms already eaten them.
we have another targets, or so it seems - vehicles. MBT, AA, light tanks and such. but they are cheap af for required effort and they take too much time.
id like some targets worth all that advanced weaponry. to shoot something interesting from far away and get some income out of it, not just fly like a mule with common bombs and rockets, like we still on 6.0br or something.

I agree with this as with the Iranian F-14 being widley used at the moment there are too many players using it to bomb bases despite it being a tier 2 modification wich means they either buy the mods just to spade the vehicle or research it as a fighter and then instantly bombin as soon as they can which ruins the game

Hmm, can we pls give Bombers a penalty for RP and SL for killing other planes??? Like 50 or 60% less so they don´t use their way too nimble Bombers as Fighters?

Take your bases. But don´t be the top killler in the list…

That would kill Mig27 players… bruh