SBMM is bad, and it won’t benefit the game.
WT should balance teams better, and not balance players.
SBMM is bad, and it won’t benefit the game.
WT should balance teams better, and not balance players.
I get a headacke from that.
Teams are build from players. Or did I not understand something.
Instead of balancing players and putting equally skilled players on teams, Gaijin should balance out the skill level of teams.
Instead of having each team comprised of all equal players, each team should be an equal mix of good and bad players. This keeps the matches more balanced, and it doesn’t have the downsides of normal SBMM.
Totally missed the point of balanced player matchmaking. Or are intentionally avoiding it, but acting in your own best interests as someone who enjoys the benefits of being able to take advantage of the crappy game Gaijin created.
Just like we should play a game where we are in a room where you have to wear a blindfold and I don’t. If I can find you I can take your wallet. Does that sound like a fair game too you?
TLDR: skillbased matchmaking is a shit idea lmao
I think BR balancing based on vehicle capabilities instead of player statistics and making tech tree rank a requirement for buying a premium of the same rank would do away with most of these issues. Also make it so that each kill rewards the same. Why would I stay in a match if my 7th kill is going to be one third of my first one?
But we know that’s never going to happen, that’s in the core of their business model.
Who would determine the br?
Getting your a$$ kicked should be seen as a challenge to learn and get better at the game.
What we need is better maps and objectives, along with BR decompression for the whole tech tree(s).
I feel you’re getting overly confident in telling everyone they are wrong currently.
And this is just straight assumptive and dumb…
Sorry, but you’ve missed the points they made about the other side of the coin, compared to what you want…
SBMM has no place in a casual game with no real competitive or ranked scene at all, like war thunder.
Matchmaking based on performance in battle would be a great thing.
The ranking position should also be visible to everyone.
So you can check it and shame them into submission in the way you constantly do?
No thanks. We don’t need more elitism, we need more inclusion and team based efforts rather than assumptions that all is lost because someone doesn’t match your opinion of thier numbers.
So people can see with who they are talking about ;).
I know that it hurts too much when people start asking qustions about statments that people make. I love that You don’t even understand what I have written.
We’ve seen far too many people blaming teams, decrying people who are low stats, don’t perform well, or are absolutely just asking questions to be ignoring the septic portion of the community that cause this type of scene through their want to paint themselves out as not the problem.
Your want to paint it out like I don’t know what you’ve written is extremely bad faith, and posturing in the usual sense of it.
You don’t know what I have written because what I said is:
which would be a beneficial things as people who like 1DL would play with people who like 1DL, people who teamkill would play with teamkillers and people who actually want to play the game would play only with such people.
That would benefit overall game and team balance, but I’m not amazed that You got scared that someone would be able to check Your statments and see how things are in reality.
And you’re beyond actual discussion because you are hooked on your own copium that stats and numbers mean everything…
I had a match earlier, where I did literally nothing but encourage the team to actually play better… Yet my stats wouldn’t show that, so hence the performance metrics you would focus on, wouldn’t show anything.
But that’s just your falacies coming to light.
Again, not reading anything:
Not stats, not numbers but how You perform in battle including all the actions done in it.
There is no point in having a discussion with someone who refuses to read first.
The question is if that encourage really ment anything or was just a coincidence when it comes to team winning ;).
And really if You are now going to defend Yourself by talking about writing something on chat, then that is just delusion.
The fact you want it shown, to just deride whoever you oppose is significant, because the highlighted reasons on why it wouldn’t work are what you want to ignore.
Your painting out that I haven’t read anything is bad faith, and ignorant to the points raised as if YOU don’t actually understand them.
Sorry, but read again.
I don’t ignore anything as in:
everything would be taken into consideration.
Sorry but again You refuse to read what people say. Not to menton with talking about delusional things.
I’ve not refused to read anything, it’s all about your desire and want to have it accessible so you can ‘know’ who to listen to, hence your old mantra…
Deride them because they’re not worthy… Elitisim sucks, and it really sucks in trying to highlight to people how they should be trying more and doing more, rather than falling victim to what an elitist says…
I had a guy spawned 2 planes in a match, and got locked out because he ain’t got SP… Think about who suggested THAT BRILLIANT TACTIC…
And who shot them down, not me, but I called on people to hit that one because they had chosen that.
This metric wouldn’t be taken into account and hence the want to point out the numbers and ‘performance’ that you coin, is FLAWED.
SBMM just won’t work… and it’s idiotic to even think that it would.