… Are ruining high tier.
I unlocked the Boxer at 10.3 (along with most other players I’m sure), and did the decent human thing: bought several other tanks at a similar BR. I’m already at rank 5 in the nation and will have tech tree vehicles within 2 weeks.
Now it seems there are many (by many I mean 6+ each game)… Let’s be kind and say “new” players in the Leopard pack vehicle each game. They spawn once, die, then leave. It’s making the high tier experience for Germany pretty miserable. Does anyone else have this problem?
I think the simplest pro-player pro-Gaijin fix is force a 2-tank min spawn with a progressive cooldown timer. Single game single spawn? 5 min timeout. 2nd game today? 15 min. 3rd game? Lock the tank for an hour. Effectively forces players to grind another tank or buy another tank. Right now it’s feeling a lot like pay-to-lose is the new meta…
Nice idea. Surely bringing Pz II or Bt-5 as second spawn after dying in 10.3 tank will help with that problem.
I think forcing players to spend 2x the $ to play is probably a bad idea.
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I think Gajin needs to be more transparent with tanks or start selling them in packs of two so 2 tanks for 80 euros would be nice everything above it gajin should guarante me there wont be cheaters in my games…
Like I didnt know you need to have line up to properly grind…but yeah it is what it is…
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I think that they should make it as follows, if you have only one premium vehicle for high tier you should get an extra spawn if that is your entire line up like they do with the alouette II and M 51(however they have 2 and 3 spawns no matter what). However this could be quite annoying depending on the type of vehicle. maybe make it for premium MBTs only. This would be unfair for Italy and France seems as their two top tier premiums are light though.
Oh yeah I think this is best idea…just gve them 2 spawns without using those tickets
This is a moot point because we’re going into this discussion with the understanding that said player(s) are willing to spend money to skip the normal tech tree.
They already require you to own 4-6 tanks of the previous tier to unlock further tiers, so why is this different when you pay money? It fundamentally breaks the game when you play a single tank at any tier.
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They have done this exact strategy already. I believe it was two packs for the price of 1, Russian maybe? It was only 2 months ago but I have already forgotten.
Maybe they are willing to spend $35 but not $70.
Yes, it is annoying but telling players “you cant use that tank you bought unless you buy a tank you dont want” is a dumb idea.
This is not good for Players and Gaijin:
Bad for players -
- Further incentivizes single-vehicle purchases
- Limits vehicle utility (2 LOSAT spawns on a big open map is just 2 free kills for the enemy team)
Bad for Gaijin -
- Undercuts new vehicle purchases (why buy 1 when they solve my problem for free)
- Cuts backup vehicle purchases drastically (2 spawns, 2 deaths, leave the game, why buy the backup?)
When lv100 “God of War” players stop putting their small pp into reserve tier matches, maybe we can talk about this
Im on inferior version of the game for console so I dont have chance to buy it like that since Gajin thinks thats fair to console players. Or its that old fake story how its Sony fault
Dude you are funny as hell <3
If you buy the Ferrari you need to expect to pay more for insurance.
You’re also not considering the other players who spent a LOT more than a single pack buyer who now avoid high tier because the experience has been polluted.
I don’t think the point can be understated here: it BREAKS the game. It is unplayable when half the team leaves on a single spawn.
because you realise you cant grind with just one tank… its nightmare…and if I bought one I will buy second and third… Like I would buy American if they had premium line up, but I dont wanna touch 11.7 because of too many cheaters.
You are not even saying that.
You are saying “you just bought this Ferrari. But in order to drive it, you must buy a Tesla”
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This is literally a match result from a couple hours ago. 7 Single-Spawn Steves
Breslau is a terrible map which I 0DL myself, and they would have just died again.
You probably fed the enemy team more SP than you took from them too.
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Fair. There could be a better solution; however, a massive problem has been created, and a solution is needed that makes both parties happy.
I agree that should be addressed. Making players spend more money is just a horrible option.