6 min game. My 1st spawn was 4min long and the last 2 I was shooting at spawn campers and helping with repairs (why the score is so high for 1k 1a)
Not horrible, you seem to ignore the reality these people are spending money already.
Right now they are spending money and making the game worse.
We need to turn that into a reality where they spend money and the game gets better (I personally want more players to play the game, but not at the expense of the greater gameplay experience).
Also BIG problem with people quiting after first spawn is UPTIRE…
These BR cahnges just made 10.0 and up always being uptire, and I bought 10.3 tank and I wanna play that BR, but nooo every single of my games and I had like almost 300 this weekend is UPTIRE… So i just one spawn leave and will be doing that until I get waht I paid for.
I understand 50-50 uptire/downtire, but 100% of uptires, no problem I just leave, if Gajin dont care why should I.
I simply understand the basic logic of “just because someone is willing to spend $X doesnt mean they are willing to spend $Y”.
If your argument were true, gaijin could double the price of packs and still sell about the same amount.
I will buy a pack for $35. It doesnt meam i will buy it at $70.
Yeah they clearly don’t care about fundamental balance issues, whole game is built around “get to the top, then you can’t be uptiered anymore” and “get the most op CAS plane possible to 💩 on people from 15km”
I run one tank only if I am trying to grind the modifications and I am not a new player or someone using a pack. The game is what it is and what people do is allowed and even encouraged by the game.
I’m not, as others will agree, waste Silver Lions with rearmament and repairs in a match that I know by my first death a defeat.
And what in hell is decent human thing buying a tank to play along Boxer MGS? Decent human thing is actually sell this vehicle instead of posting this very nice idea that everyone agrees.
This matter has been discussed to death constantly and especially when sales roll around.
Nothing is going to change because there is no reason for it to change.
Like I would love If I could play in my own rank against tanks that are that rank.
Like I tought there is a reason why some tanks are 10.3 and others 11.3 if theres no diffrenece why are they not in same BR?
But I guess this is when you do first part of the game (until Rank 6) just pure perfection and like most fun I had, and then ruin rest of it with clumsy and lazy BRs and not listening to comunity and just listening to these “experts” like “well actually I found this manual form 1989 in latin it says fule tank should have 1002.345565432 liters and not 1002.345565431 liters” and “Its not historically accurate” or I have 5k hours, well that tank has faster elevation and good round so it can go against supperior tanks… like we dont care If I play 10.3 I dont wanna play 11.3 end of any discussion
Again it’s not a perfect solution, it’s an idea. Not a horrible idea at that, considering we’re starting from the premise this player:
- Is willing to buy the most expensive tanks in the game
- Is a “new” teammate and needs as much carrot and stick as possible
- Would get another tank, which is a value. I cannot think of a single player who just wants 1 tank at a given tier.
And this solves the problem in a way that harms none of the seasoned players while bolstering revenue for Gaijin (they will not implement a solution that causes a drop in revenue).
If you have a better solution I would like to hear it, otherwise this criticism is just that.
Looking at your player card, this discussion does not involve players at your tier. Think rank VII+
To be honest single spawners are not only prem pack users there is in general a lot of peeps that leave matches early when they get insta spawncamped.
Yes pack player at prolly in the majority but let’s face it this is a common problem not only a new player thing.
The majority leaves after the 1st or 2nd death if the game look hopeless to them.
Another problem is the said clubbing
I’m new to tanks and in rank 2\3 and sometimes it’s crazy 4 man squads with thousands of hours clubbing new tankers 24/7
That’s one of the core problems why new players get upset and buy their way into toptier.
By now we should have learned that the new mentality is „it’s everyone else’s fault because I don’t make mistakes“
yet again. this is bad logic. Why doesnt gajin just make it so that you cant buy packs unless you purchase all of the packs for that nation? they shown that they are willing to spend $35 so logically they are willing to spend $200+
people who think that 1dl is the best way to grind dont want a second tank. plus it is not some “perk” when force someone to buy something they dont want.
provide reasons to stay in the match. rework spawns so that they cant be sniped into from across the map. re-introduce mobile capture points that allow for a losing team have better chance at getting the initiative. give a larger sl/rp multiplier for uptiers.
I just wanna play my rank, not uptires even if they gave 100X more rewards for uptire. Like whats te point of BRs if you always play uptire???
Literally nothing will stop me from leaving a dogwater map or leaving when my team is OBVIOUSLY getting steamrolled. Gimme an hour cooldown if you want, I will simply play another country or, y’know, step away and do something productive.
Oh no cringe
I also like to play as a set-top, but what should I do if I make more kills in one respawn than the whole team, where everyone took about 4 tanks?
I also don’t want to spawn as a second tank when my teammates took 5 tanks each, didn’t make a single kill and left
Sorry that everything here is in Russian, but the essence is not changed, the numbers are still visible, should I take a second tank in this battle?
The best way to fix the premium ODL is by distributing more of them across different lobbies, the matchmaker should never put an entire team consisting of 13 premiums 3 normal players into a game.
Premiums leaving a game would be less impactful and detrimental to the match if there were only less premium pack players per lobby.
ODL is no longer a high tier problem. Just got the M43 Leonello … 3.0 full uptier battle. Even there players leaving. 3-5 players per match is pretty normal now …
The most interesting observation, however, is the following. It is mostly players with a full downtier who run ODL.
And I’m willing to bet that it’s these players who are constantly upset about a full uptier …
I’d rather have someone who dies once without doing anything, than someone who dies 3 times without doing something.
Forcing a 2 tank minimum will not be good, Gaijin needs to reward players for staying in a match. We really don’t need more punishments in this game.
I can read forum posts as well as make them and I know I am not the only person doing it and for the same reasons at all levels. Cost is a bigger factor at top tier than mid tier so I dont know what point you are trying to make. If many people are buying 60$ vehicles from Gaijin in such huge numbers then why on earth do you imagine the player base can stop this?