Single cap/no cap maps - why?

(tank RB)

Hello guys.

In ground RB there are some modes with only one cap, or one “forever cap” aka battle mode which is as good as nothing.

These maps just restrict tanks that relies on ammo restocking, such as the IS-7.

In addition, they make it impossible for beginners (clickbait) to contribute since they die without a shot; at least they could rush a cap.

They also make stock tanks unbearable as they have to turn to cap points to repair gun barrels.

I’ve also heard other people say that they are “dense action packed battles” but where’s the meaning in this when most people just leave in one/two death anyway, without providing extra spawns?

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Battle gamemode which You are describing is the mode that allows different tactics that don’t rely on simple “who gets cap first is better”.

It is one of the best gamemode as it requires much more from players


That is why we have assault mode: You got the cap already. And you have your extra spawns too. And the best: you can force that mode.

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Not everyone wants to play PVE. It is like medic players in team fortress 2 where people can support their teammates in a PVP environment without being too PVP-isb

People who bomb bases in J-7D surely do. ^^


That’s why I want gaijin to give it 250-2 fire bombs, so i can equip 2x PL-5Bs while being able to finish a base.

You are delirious.

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Single cap maps are universally hated. They funnel everyone into a single gridsquare to brawl and win through measuring the thickness of their front plate and girth of their guns. They also more often than not paint over 2/3 of the map in red crayon, so if you decide you want none of that - you’re rejected and must drive forward with blinders on into the brawl area.

Now, double cap map where there’s no actual capping and just 60 tickets for both sides? Those are awesome. Maps tend to be full size. There’s no caps to force weird brawling. There’s no caps that make enemies predictable. It’s just fighting for control of a proper area.


For singe cap maps, its highly dependent on what map you get. I don’t hate them as people will be braindead and drive towards the cap while you have an easier time flanking around. Now if you get a map where you can’t flank, yes, you’re shit out of luck and forced into a suboptimal situation.

As for battle mode, I enjoy it.


Aka: you are playing the clickbait and dont like the maps where you can rush a cap.

I rush caps, but I’m not a beginner clickbait player.

Rushing cap though, is one of my most prized tactics (currently trying to spade the T-80BVM).

Not every game mode is a “hold W” one. You have to be able to change your tactics


Pov: the person who has a bad take online also has a kd ratio of less than one in some of the most op vehicles in the game (type 90, j7d, ka50)

I have the most enoyable matches in 2 cap matches. They are long and challanged.
3 Caps are like CoD and one cap mostly ends in spawm camping


Pretty much agree with what everyone else said.

The single cap maps can vary depending on what map (and which of the caps is the single cap on each map) you get. Some are fine, others are absolutely horrendously bad.

But the Battle mode I find to be consistently the mosy enjoyable mode, and assuming enough people stay connected to keep fighting, some of the most often down to the wire, hard fought and nail biting fun.