Since when do skins cost 500GE?

How do you casually just more than double the price of a skin for no reason?
Did someone have to spend more than 2 minutes on the skin and suddenly it’s worth more than twice as much?
You really think this deserves $3 for copy pasting a bunch of circle for a skin, one that cannot even be scaled or rotated



Some skins are more expensive, I don’t know what its based on

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Took me 30 seconds in MS Paint, think I can sell this for $3?



Clearly you know nothing about creating 3D model textures, I don’t either but I know this is a nuclear take.

Lmao, feel free to inform me about how this specific skin is worth more than twice the amount of other skins and how this was not just pasting a bunch of circles on the skin.



i mean, if a skin cannot be rotated then it was probably made on a different file that requires you to more carefully ‘draw’ whatever you want to draw.
you are right bro.
500 GE is too much.
at this point…
gaijin knows this is a sinking ship…
theyre just milking the cow before it dies…
its the death of every game these days… the “14yo market share phenomena”


Sure, it’s a bit more work as it’s more deliberately placed but it’s still just circles, especially for someone who has done it a 100 times before, but it’s still worse than almost any custom skin out there.

The 200 GE ones are generally not worth it either but for a few vehicles I’m willing to get them, but the moment they put in any effort at all they start more than doubling the cost lol.

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If you don’t feel it’s worth it don’t buy it

btw what’s your opinion on the “Sarath” skins on the BMP-2 and the Berlin Brigade camo for the Chieftain Marksman?


If you don’t feel it’s worth it don’t buy it

I won’t buy it, but I don’t have to sit and watch prices be jacked up like this either without saying something about it.

btw what’s your opinion on the “Sarath” skins on the BMP-2 and the Berlin Brigade camo for the Chieftain Marksman?

I have no idea what they are… why?

They’re 500GE fully UV’d textures.

I don’t have them so no idea tbh, looking it up it sounds like people can grind it.


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The Chief 10s was grindable, the ZTZ99As Digital Camo is the same and priced 200 GE. The BMP-2 and Chief Marksmans skins have to be bought.

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense then, 200 GE is already asking a lot for a skin anyways when most of them are just copy pasted with zero effort and should be 100 GE and then the better ones can be 200 GE.


Just wait to see the prices of skins in the marketplace…
But at least some of them are… worth it?

There’s a reason why you only see normal grindable skins in use.

You can get a ton of skins from less than .50 cents at least, and they’re better than the generic Gaijin skins.
Beyond that I’ll never bother with a skin that costs several dollars but at least there’s some rarity if you care about that and they’re more than putting down a bunch of circles.

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People are telling this since 2017
Queue times are fine
Forum is alive
You are just drama queen


Just dont buy it. They can ask how much they want…

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Since forever. Premium skins cost more.

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What is premium about this?

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This is such a bad argument though, because it just means more and more things are going to be priced like this and you’ll never be able to get skins again without spending several bucks.