The only way to make this work is if either gaijin creates a 13.3 bracket so that stuff like the base flanker/su27 dont face constantly superior opponents as the eurofighter, rafale… o
OR they could leave the ICE and F15A at 13.0 while also lowering the br of the Su27/J11 down to 13.0
So that red side has an on par aircraft with the competetion.
Also i have to somewhat agree that the Jas39A and mirage 4k Despite being BORDERLINE OP at 13.0, cannot really go up.
With that being said, i think that the best solution would be more decompression; more BRs.
Regarding the f14s
The F14A iriaf should be uptiered to 12.7 at the very least, as the addition of a 12.3 bracket would make this plane, hands down, an absolute menace.
The F14A is in a difficult situation, it’s probably too good to stay at 12.3, but it’s also not good enough to put it at 12.7 with the F14B, unless it gets uptiered to 13.0 but that would require some upgrades to the aircraft.
Therefore decompression is needed.
I think that the F14B is somewhat balanced, it’s not too good but is also not bad…
The phoenixes are fairly dodgeable, it has a good RWR and the radar is pretty good but you have to point it directly at the opponent.
The Aim9L’s (much much better than the R60M) are the best Non-IRCCM missiles paired with the python 3’s.
It has very good flare resistance and quite some range too.
The Aim7M is fairly decent, despite being inferior to the 27ER, this can be compensated by sheer numbers since the F14 can carry at least 4 SARH’s compared to just the 2 of the Mig29.
Lastly the BOL Cm’s can be pretty useful, since you have so many of them you can preflare IR missiles while having the AB off, and the Flight performance in the right hands can be quite deadly for other aircrafts.
As i said, the plane is somewhat balanced, but the problem starts to occur when you look at its competition.
For example The Mig29 is a pretty Mediocre aircraft, carried by the 2 27ER’s, which make up with great difficulty for it’s countless weaknesses such as; inferior IR missiles, Meh radar, Veeery mediocre Flight model, and fairly decent RWR (if u know how to read it).
In the end, The only real competitors the F14 has, are; the Mig29, yak 141 and Mirage 2K (but only if france happens to be on blue side).