Simulator Battles

Does anybody know why my plane automatically pitches up in sim, and how I get it away? I’ve tried to adjust the trimming, but it doesnt seem to work.

It’s a little hard to answer without further details.

  1. What aircraft are you flying?
  2. What speed does this happen at? Are you at constant speed or accelerating when this occurs?
  3. What is your control method - Mouse Joystick (standard or simplified?), Relative, console controller, flight stick, HOTAS?

My gut feeling is that the plane you’re using is actively accelerating and getting faster, making it so your initial trim set-up becomes “outdated.” Trim is for specific Indicated Air speed (or altitude and true airspeed) AND engine power (due to torque) You need to either maintain fixed speed or update your trim periodically as conditions change within margins.

Using the EF-2000, F-16 and the Gripen (primarily), its constant, and I use HOTAS.

Are you using SAS or not?

I don’t have experience with those planes, but from the F3H-2 and F8s, I did notice SAS can affect aircraft tendencies.

Beyond these, are you using default controls or custom set up? There might be a conflict on what’s considered “default position.” I’ve read people struggle with WT’s default throttle controls after all and had to fix it.

do you trim manually on all 3 axis or do you use the “set trim” button?

I use the “set trim” button for roll and pitch but use a manual knob for yaw.

(and I have no problems with pitch control) - I also do not use SAS and never have ( but you may have it on by default)

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What is SAS? Not really that much into sim, but I wanna start.

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Other than Paul’s question on how you set trim,

SAS: Stability Augmentation System.
It has three modes:

  1. Off, fly as normal. Trim works as expected. Modern planes can get twitchy and get into oscillations. You pull as much AoA as your control surfaces can physically allow
  2. On. Fly with your controls going through a damper - oscillations are mostly eliminated, AoA is limited to 95% of critical AoA to prevent stalls (not perfect, bleeding speed will push you over it). It can interfere with aircraft trimming, thus my asking.
  3. Auto-level. It makes your wings and nose match the horizon. NOTE: this is NOT altitude hold, you will be losing altitude most likely due to the low AoA.
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I’ve tried everything, and nothing really seems to work here.

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Can you please, item by item, describe what “everything” is, both for helping you and for future people following this thread?

Go absolutely banal, assume the person reading this is your grandmother who hasn’t seen warthunder in her life.

Also, have you checked youtube tutorials on setting up controls? Trust me, they are worth checking out because default WT can be pretty bad (at least for Mousejoy).

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I’ve tried all three SAS modes, I’ve tried to set my elevator trim, I’ve tried to reset trim, I’ve turned autotrim off, I’ve done everything that I thought might work.

What about control set-up itself?

Have you adjusted them or are you using default WT ones?

Torres has been a game changer for me with MouseJoy, might be for you with HOTAS too.

My assumptions are:

You may need to play with “CORRECTION” for pitch axis to make it match up with stick position.

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I figured it out, thanks a lot, appreciate it

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What was it, correction?

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It was under the settings for my flightstick, turned out I had changed the multiplier.


This thread is called simulator battles so i would like to know what people’s opinion is on the new airfield setup they’re using,now i’ve noticed since last big update when that changed the airfields up a bit,i like it because everyone wanting pvp they can go camp the forward airfields and those wanting to win on objectives can hit the objectives,it’s very nice because you know where the pvp guys are gonna be every game.i’ve only noticed it in midway map because that’s my favorite lol