Simple changes that would improve the maps part 1

This map is well-known among players who love to spawn camp, especially the RED side of this map, which has 2 BANKERS that greatly assist in this task.

So, as the beginning of this saga, I support that it undergoes changes, but not a major change that would mean we only receive the updated map in 2 years. Instead, a slight change, which is nothing more than the removal of the 2 bankers circled in red on the map. This would not only make it easier for the blue team to defend against the red team’s advance but also remove the absurd protection for camping exactly at the spawns using the bankers as a shield.strong text

A team that leaves all cap points to the opponent has earned the spawn rush or camping. And that happens even without these bunkers.

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When will people understand that all these hills and objects that are supposed to protect the spawn also serve as cover for the enemy?

No, my friend, they do not protect our spawn at all! How can you protect the spawn when 90% of these “protections” offer cover to enemies who advance along the sides of the battlefield and take position in these very structures that are supposed to protect the team? They take out 5 or 4 allies without them being able to fight back because according to your logic, “they would be safe.”

Don’t pretend to be a professional player; you know very well that if just 2 players take advantage of a certain area that provides spawn camping over the opposing team, they can ruin the match, regardless of whether the team is good or not. The people on this forum don’t seem to play War Thunder; they don’t comment on anything that reflects the reality of the game, and they don’t seem to have experienced similar situations where the opposing team was completely unable to respond.

Gaijin is to focused in destroy all sniping areas/maps instead of protect spawn points.


I’m going to assume that you didn’t understand what I meant.
Let’s assume we are standing opposite each other. A box in the centre.
It can serve as cover for both of us.
The difference in the spawn situation is that one player wants to go somewhere else and the other does not.
So the cover in the spawn is suddenly an obstacle that serves as cover for the one who wants to stay stationary.
Please show me the point in my statement where I said that all the cover and obstacles in the spawn protect anyone who is about to enter the battle.

There are words like “supposed to protect” … That does not mean that they do.


Don’t pretend to be a professional player; you know very well that if just 2 players take advantage of a certain area that provides spawn camping over the opposing team, they can ruin the match, regardless of whether the team is good or not.

I would ask you to shift down a gear. At no point did I claim to be a professional. I am good but not a professional. And I certainly don’t have to pretend to be.
Who is responsible for ensuring that players don’t get to this position in the first place? Gaijin? Me? If the players leave 2/3 of the map untouched every time with their daft lemming tactics then they deserve it no other way.
This game is built on gaining an advantage over your opponent, be it through more kills, air superiority or tactical positions on the map.
I find it amazing that some people keep expecting that there should be some kind of moral compass or code of honour that prevents you from defeating your opponent quickly and effectively.
There are good suggestions on how to prevent spawncamping in other ways. Keyword “flexible spawns”
But I keep hearing that the maps are being modified, which really does NOTHING, absolutely nothing. Because the players don’t stop their ignorant behaviour that leads to spawncamping.

The people on this forum don’t seem to play War Thunder; they don’t comment on anything that reflects the reality of the game, and they don’t seem to have experienced similar situations where the opposing team was completely unable to respond.

Bold claim for someone who has been playing the game for a year. Even I, with less than a year of experience playing WT and about twice as many battles, wouldn’t go out on a limb and disparage basically everyone on the forums like that.

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don’t let gaijin change the map, they will destroy all the maps

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Yea, thats sad. I love playing sweden because of the powerful mobility Firepower combo. Then they push me into urban maps where usa/russia tramples my ass since both have 12.7mm MGs and both have allround mobilityarmourfirepower that makes both sides great. Soo playing 4.0-5.7 sweden means if you play urban you can never be apart to push the enemy instead ur kinda forced to just stay put and hope to god ur german teamates successively pushes the enemy so you can move forward.

Sweden or open sniping maps at 4.0-5.7 is crazy good. My favourite is the lolpen ikv103 its small fast and a crazy good heat shell. Or the Strv 42DT, pvkv III, pvkv II, Pvkv IV, Pvkv m/43s they are all good. In their own way. Most of the time you onetap enemies. So inshort bring justice to Nations that rely on mobility and firepower. Reduce CQB or CS:GO gameplay


Im for this. Make the spawn spread out. Maybe then players will learn to cover all flanks🤔

I support not having a spawn pool area, they make it too predictable where you spawn


I also think that, on top of that, this gets the player used to “thinking” again in an easy way. Many don’t even choose a spawn. They spawn wildly into spawncamping without even considering the second spawn (if there is one).

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Ive been around since 2017-2018? and ”recently” switched to pc leaving my PS4 account behind. Wish icould link them… anyway so ive been around. And i can confidently say War Thunder has always been broken. Its not just recently always. Sure some buga are more annoying than others. Ehem ghost shells, anyway idk why we players have took to the forum so much lately. Probably because of top tier stuff and players whinging about the secrit docs and all other bs. I joined for ww2-cold war stuff and thats what im staying for. War Thunder has gotten much prettier to look at. Except muzzleflash for autocannons… ow my poor retinas


Also this will as result ”fix” the major issue of games. Now you cant lock down a spawn area. Since the enemy can just simply not spawn anywhere expected.

Have that bush always been there??🤔

10sec later spawncamper is in hangar


I agree toptier is broken. My max BR range currently is 4.3 to 7.0. And Spawncamping seems to be even worse above 7.0.
It’s not often that I’m under “siege”. But when I am, it’s usually well deserved. If someone is looking for me … I’m the guy who usually tries to guard 2/3 of the map with someone else.
I still remember the last map changes badly. I stuck my nose in WoT again last year after a break of more than 6 years. Shit … these are exactly the cards we’ll be getting soon if the demands continue to be implemented like this.
Corridors, no more open map.


Yep, thats what happens if you introduce the generation that needs a subway surfer video under the main video to a game that takes time and patience. They will leave gaijin will as result make the game more stimulating. And older players will feel betrayed.

Idk if this is accurate. Just a theory A GAME THE-


This game is 12 years old and the big spawn camp invulnerability and red zone is about a year old if that so why is it only a big deal now? Nobody cared when I started the game,just put uo with it.Won some games ,lost games.Now its a mees in endgame with targets you cant kill and GRB turning into arcade.

Yes. Generation Z also wants to play chess with only one king on the board, because otherwise the rules are so complicated… I sometimes get the impression.


Welll, idk why players have started speaking up lately. My theory? The player revolution made us aware the we could change gaijins. Now players want revolutions about the smallest things…

Anyway just because nobody complains about it doesent mean its not a problem ALSO players have been talking about this on the old forum too. Idk where you get the impression that its a recent issue

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I agree and I also think immersion and imagination is so much more important to players thsn many realise.Say what you want ,so many players have walked ftom this game.You can see how the game has died a little not just due to the quantity of players but the quality of players.