Sim maps are trash

This doenst mean for every map, for example vetnam got realy nice map. But any other dont have any detail on tham beside the small ground battle map on them. Maps today looks like bold waves of earth. Houses are out of the scale, there is no way that the airplane is that big next to the building.
Maps should be remade not just thayer looks, but size. Sim maps for top tier are too small. You just dont have time to clim in hight alt, dont have time to fully use the plains avionicks. Why should I fight right after take off? F15 can detack ennemy on much bigger distancis than 72 km.
Maps should by more wider, fuller of buildings, and the max alt.
That would be a nother new topic. F15 can fly at 20 000m so why just half? If you are bombing airfilds at top tier, you just need the alt, for ennemys and airfield AA.
It this scenario the worst part comes when you clim to the needed alt, because the maps are so tiny, you with no speed are left for the ennemy. Anyone with the IQ of a brick can clim and lounch a missail at you. And you can do nothing about it.
If maps would be bigger, you could get the max speed in that alt. Or you could shoot at much graider distances.
So I am opening this topic, so the gaidine know there is still the sim, because it seems like thay frgot about it.


We should have 256x256km maps by now, and gaijin should restrict the 64x64 maps from 12.0+ battles.

That’s just untrue. Unless you’re climbing very slowly, you can quite easily climb to 10-20km depending on the plane you’re in.


And probably the inverse for non-custom prop tier as well. It’s been very frustrating these past 2 weeks to want to fly aircraft that struggle to hit 350-400 km at the ~3.7-4.7 brackets and are NOT carrier capable and it’s all… Denmark, Denmark, Vietnam, Sinai, Afganisthan and so forth. I feel like the people doing 4vs4 on such maps in brackets that struggle to reach ~350-400 km/h will instead spam them instead.

In other words, should be off-limits or require a minimum presence of a 8v8 to start such a match.

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I dont say its inpossible, almost every toptier plane can stright clime, but when you get to the alt of 10km you dont have any speed to defend yourself. Thats the problem, on those maps you dont have time to get the maximum speed. Thats the point.

What would be even better is to have a small curated set of maps per bracket with it’s own rotating schedule, that way we both get more suitable maps for each tier and some actual variety.

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So you want the game to have less freedom,
wow ! usually players prefer more freedom and choose whatever they like

If you want small maps then create a room choosing the map you think is the right one.


Do you think 164x164 maps for a 2-3 prop bracket or even a 3.3-4.3 prop brackets provide fun gameplay? The objectives auto-complete before your plane even chugs over to them.

They’re almost exclusively used for zombing. Coincidentally, I’ve almost never seen them 3-5 brackets outside of events.

If you like a small map then create a room with that map for the br you want and all players that think like you will join.

You will have your fun and the rest their fun ( zombers or not)

I was recently complaining about this in a 4.0 match, asking why people were playing these big maps in props. It was the only match and map available for hours in that bracket. I got told to stfu, they said they preferred the bigger map.

They weren’t zombers either, they were all fighting in the same tile the entire match. No exaggeration, there was a permanent furball in one tile on a huge map while typing to me that they prefer bigger maps. You can’t account for everybody’s opinions.

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He is a guy who quits after a death and leaves a game to find a PvE lobby…I guarantee it.

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