Not south Korea, I think it’s more like to be Singapore or Indonesia perhaps, but am not sure
According to the passed-to-developers Tech Tree, it would look like this
If you want to see what the passed tech trees looks like, here is the comment containing all the links
I mean, I would interpret passed to developers as a more broad “were interested in additions nation” rather than “were interested in following this exact tech tree as made by this person”
The developer said ‘It is the region, not a specific country’ for japan sub tree. There is a possibility other Southeast Asian countries may also be added. Not a only filled with Thai equipment
I have it on good authority that atleast one other nation will be part of it, but not sure which or what vehicle it might be, if just one
@WreckingAres283 I waiting for you idea that thai Aircraft, fleet & ground vehicle all rank full sub tree
Would be interesting to see Japan also get a Gripen C as a new jet if they get the sub tree. Would help aid and fill the gap of a top tier multi role fighter while we wait for later Japanese planes
The thought of Thailand and Japan working together excites me lol cant wait for more Thai vehicles.
Tbh I would rather see T-50TH Phase 3 & 4, as well as F-16A Blk.15 OCU and (e)MLU, than another C&P Gripen C.
It would be cool to see those jets as well, but tbh a Gripen would definitely help keep Japan very competitive, and knowing gajjin they will copy paste first before adding more unique stuff like the T-50
Did Thailand used different secondary weapons at least on their Gripens like Python-3 for example?
well thailand uses both, so yeah both
Oh, all the RTAF aircraft are interesting. I must hurry up and paint a white elephant on my Ki-43 fighter.
“Royal Thai Air Force is training Hayabusa fighters.” April 27, 1944. Japan Newsreel No. 204. 6:54-8:50
IJAAF 64th Flying Regiment, Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base, July 1944
I assumed that Gripen C before upgrade MS20 standard armed IR AAM & BVRAAM like F-16AM/BM Block 20 MLU except target designation pod
I know it’s a lil off topic, but since we can possibly see other south east Asian nations included in this list, I wounder how Gajjin might feel about a Malaysian T-84 that was trialed once, or even ofc the PT-91. The T-84 in particular would compliment the Thai 84, and help give Japan a lower BR but still strong tank.
Thailand has been an ally of Japan for less than a hundred years in history, but it has been a vassal of China for hundreds of years
Thailand Japan and China have had very good international relations for a long time. We do business together. and negotiated business matters since ancient times Including in battle There are both Chinese volunteer troops and Japanese volunteer troops fighting with Siamese soldiers since ancient times.

As a Thai person I think your statement that Thailand is “vassal of China for hundreds of years” is an insult to Thailand’s dignity. which have been partners and allies since ancient times
I understand that many Chinese people are dissatisfied with Thailand’s alliance with Japan in this game. Due to military relations But speaking disrespectfully of others By using nationalism to destroy others. I view it as something that civilized people do not do.
Modern history is more important in this context, especially when you consider the time when Thailand operates these vehicles
Only that this has ended in 1850 with the Taipeng Rebellion. The only argument to be made are Chinese vehicles bought by Thailand in the modern day, which aren’t even necessary for a proper subtree. They are also not included in the suggestions and even Gaijin said they had no plans for those.
Japan on the other hand had a military alliance with Thailand in WWII and a comprehensive strategic partnership in the modern day. They also supplied Japanese vehicles to Thailand during their military alliance.
There have even been more Japanese designed vehicles in Thai service than there were Chinese. Counting 8 for the Chinese and 13 for the Japanese side (Though my naval list is very incomplete, so it might be more for Japan).
Another small thing to note here is context. With most Japanese vehicles being given to Thailand explicitly as a military ally, but the Chinese simply being exported for profit. There might still be political implications, but these are not as strong as the Japanese.
I somewhat understand the concern of Chinese vehicles in the Japanese tree, but Thailand in general just makes the most sense there.
And more than that China has other options, like Pakistan for example, which is a very popular subtree suggestion, as well as already combining two separate militaries (ROC/PRC) with separate procurement and development in the existing tree.
Sure, they sufferend a lot under the old consultant hindering development, but it does seem to be picking up steam now, with the current main concern being the often poor representation of vehicles performance that most, if not all nations in game struggle with.