Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

Decompression increases the distance between things.

This might be the most bananas statement from you yet. Introducing aircraft with all-aspect missiles into a matchmaker BR range that includes flareless, sub-sonic aircraft without missiles or forcing 1950’s jets to fight supersonic aircraft is a symptom of compressed battle ratings.

Literally no one wants this. Why do you insist on using awkwardly worded semantic language to argue otherwise?

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Technically alvis is right.

Gaijin has never reduced the BR spread ever, however they introduce vehicles in a compressed state.

Fully agree.

I have to believe we’d also all agree that the central issue lies in the pace and volume at which new vehicles and technologies have been introduced versus the rate of expansion and ‘decompression’ of the top Battle Ratings.

As it stands, we have about 20 years of aircraft design and advancement spread across approximately 7 to 8 battle ratings, with the next 40-50 years of technological advancement—which grew at an accelerated rate—crammed into only 5 or 6.

Hell, the BR difference separating a year or two of WW2 aircraft is roughly the difference between aircraft capable of engaging BVR and those that can not. That’s insane!

All-aspect missiles introduced a new BR.
Not sure why you claim no one wants decompression.

It wasn’t when MiG-23M gets R-60M.

Top BR was increased to 11.0 to 11.3 but, that’s because SARH + PD radar was meta just like how FGR.2 was insane and not related to all-aspect missiles.

Mig-23M got R-60Ms, which are rear-aspect missile equivalent, after the standard R-60s were deemed not enough.
The top BR before that was also 10.7.

In theory, yes.

In practice, no.

This would be a drastic, to put it mildly, change to the matchmaker and vehicle balance that has taken a decade plus to put together.

Basically, Gaijin would have to start over with vehicle balance from scratch.

I think a much better, and more practical solution, would be to simply raise max BRs for all vehicle types by 1.0 or even 2.0 BRs. That way, we can do the same thing restricting matchmaking would do without potentially overthrowing the entire game balance.


Good, now we have a quotable definition from you. because what you’re asking for doesn’t work. increasing the maximum BR by 0.3 or 0.4, while gaijin simultaniously adds more vehicles, mechanics and powercreep means that it ends up more compressed than it was before. Gaijin needs to revamp it’s system so that it can more easily expand and rebracket it’s gamemodes and vehicles rather than using the ineffective system they have.

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Every now and then, the anti-decompression crowd comes to respond to one of my posts.
Not sure why you argue that decompression doesn’t work when it obviously does.
T-72B3 is not 10.3 anymore.
F-4E is not 10.3 anymore.

Things are not more compressed as you desire/claim.
F-4E is not 10.0 like you claim.
T-72B3 is not 10.0 like you claim.
T-72B3 is 11.3, and F-4E is 11.0.

And this is why people can’t figure out if you’ve just got some kind of severe cognitive disability or you’re a troll. You literally just contradicted your own definiton. you’re Straw-manning as you seem to do frequently, you’re apparently the only one here in favour of compression yet will accuse others of advocating it.
If “Decompression increases the distance between things.” then how does changing something’s BR equate to decompression. you’re prefectly willing to contradict and refute yourself in order to be a contrarian, or you’re too stupid to realise what you’re doing.

and you’re basing this on what, your own opinion that absolutley nobody respects or values? I’m advocating for decompression, revised matchmaking brakets, a balancing system overhaul or some combination of them. you seem to not really advocate for anything.


So according to you, the pro-decompression crowd are all trolls…

All my posts are consistent without change in argument.
Thus they cannot be “contrarian” as you falsely accuse.
Coincidentally, it’s trolling to falsely accuse people of being contrarian and of course you’re attempting to gaslight me as well.

The fact you think I’m the only one here in favor of decompression [which you falsely claim is compression] is astonishing.

I get that you’re just here to gaslight everyone pushing for decompression while claiming we’re all trolls, but that won’t work.

Yet you’ve exclusively attacked everyone here for pushing for decompression. Curious.

And then you claim everyone pushing for decompression isn’t… lol

Your post has so many contradictions.

So to reiterate. You claim that everyone for decompression are for compression.
Your post strawmans all of us while claiming we’re strawmanning you.
Your post calls the decompression crowd cognitively inferior to you and/or trolls.
Your post claims that having consistent views and never changing your pro-decompression stance is contrarian.
Your post claims that the definition of decompression everyone uses is contradictory when it isn’t.
And on top of all that your post claims you’re for decompression after all these attacks on myself and others advocating for decompression over a rather dumb 0.7 matchmaker.

It looks from 2019 or 2020 screenshot but, iirc we didn’t have ANY SARH missiles at that time.

The closest thing to a 2019 F-4E in the current meta is the F-4F Early/Late, and as they are 10.3/10.7, the necessary decompression has not been done.

That was also true for several other vehicles, when Kfir C.2 was implemented it was 11.0 BR with AIM-9G, but when Kfir Canard was implemented in the game it moved to 10.7 BR.

Same goes with MiG-21bis. When Russian one was inplemented in the game, it was 11.0 BR without R-60M but, all MiG-21bis now have R-60M and staying at its BR even German one was 11.3 BR with R-60M when it comes in the game.

SARHs were useless when first introduced, and still rather useless today. It’s why F-4E isn’t used much anymore. F-4F was also 11.0 before it was corrected.

10.7, not 11.0.

I don’t get why people are attacking decompression… I really don’t.

Not really because we had many CM less jets at that BR blankets such as all stock planes, F-4C, all MiG-21s except MiG-21bis, all F-104s except G variant in Germany, Mirage IIIC, Mitsubishi F-1, G.91YS etc. And people started that hugging on the deck since at that time but, different reasons from current.

Reminder all stock planes didn’t have RWR at that time.

My bad. I forgot that people complained about that.

Seems You are misunderstanding but, nobody attacked decompression. We complain about decompression is not taking place as much as actually needed.

The MiG-21bis with R-60M should have been 11.3 BR, as the German ones were, but repeated BR compression and inadequate decompression made it impossible.

Same goes with all old 9.0 BR jets. A-5 Sabre and OG MiG-15 was 9.0 until 2018 or 2019 but, they are 8.0BR now because BR compression gets worse almost every updates or BR changes.

Originally, the MiG-17 and Hunter F.1 should not have the same BR as the A-5 Sabre and OG MiG-15, but they did not want to move their 9.0 BR jets, which were pretty decent, to a higher BR, and eventually even they moved to 8.7 BR.

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0.7 BR would probably mean 3 levels (0.0, 0.3 and 0.7). Yeah, you could make it 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.7. I said this before, just make the increments 0.2 and make the BR spread 0.8. Nice and tidy and you still have variety.
I spend most of my gaming time in WT in 0.7-1.0 uptier hell. It sucked out all the fun from this game for me. The amount of heavy uptiers is disproportionally skewed. That is not right. It’s not just the BR spread reduction that we need, but a proper and fair matchmaker. It’s almost 10 years of this suck (it got worse sometime 9+ years ago after tanks came out).

Damn, people this days really inverted the meaning of everything.

Like this furry guy - he is promoting compression, tells everyone he is pro-decompression, then when people who are actually pro decompression comes, he tells them they are anti-decompression. And then, when everybody tells him he is wrong he says he is right and all the world is wrong.

Like, WTF dude? This is some real shit level of missinformation. I would really appreciate this much dedication to troll on forum, but this is WT forum, so his posts are 100% unironical


He apparently likes band aid fixes, problem is that only certain vehicles get moved in br and other op ones stay. A .7 spread would give everyone better matchmaker permanently.

I enjoy a 9.3 lineup but I don’t bother playing it because it’s always in 10.3 battles due to premium flooding.

0.7 is the band-aid fix. It won’t solve the core issue of compression, and it would require things to be rebalanced. Restricting the matchmaker from 4 BR levels down to 3 BR levels limits the amount of BRs in a match, which makes balance harder.

The true solution is to increase the top BR by a lot.

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It’s called gaslighting