Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

furry logic, smh.

Stop shilling to make game worse and more compressed


1.0 BR spread is terrible outdated and is the real reason for most of the compression problems in the game.
Gaijin just should test during few days the old 0.7 spread and ask to the community.


Gaijin has never decompressed. extending the maximum BR and moving a few vehicles up is nothing compared to the number of vehicles added and the power creep.

Gaijin’s BR system is moronic and illogical. it’s not decimalised or even spaced evenly. their byzantine system and their refusal to change it at all massively limits what they can do. it’s one of gaijin’s many failings.

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0.7 is the same as 1.0. If you can’t handle vehicles at same BR, two BRs just 0.3 and 0.7 different, and the maximum of 4 per side of top BR, then you won’t do any better in a 0.7 MM. People will just find another thing to put all their failures on.

The top 4 players per side are not the top 4 BR players, in fact depending on player actions in a match the top few can easily be someone in a +1.

Defeatism is strong in this game.

Of course ARB the spread can be more noticeable due to one vehicle, GRB is more cope since we all have access to varied lineups.

I think the best solution is to use all the missing digits in combination with a greatly reduced spread.

We still have X.1, X.2, X.4, X.5, X.6, X.8, and X.9 digits available to implement. Paired with a spread of no more than 0.3/0.4 and we would achieve frankly perfect playability for all machines.

Furthermore, in addition to this, I would remove the limit on 4 top-BR players, so that if a BR is highly-populated, the matchmaker can throw whole teams of 10.0 premiums against each other without having to suck up everything within range. Uptiers would be far rarer, but they would unfortunately be nastier when they do occur.

0.7 is terrible and outdated, and is one of the reasons War Thunder isn’t as compressed today as it was back then.

Decompression > compression.

They have decompressed at least 5 times, otherwise F-14B would be 10.7 right now, and M1A2 would be 10.3.

Not needed.

Actually the game is far more compressed now that it was “back then”. which is as i said because of all the additional vehicles and massive powercreep. extending the ground tree 0.3-0.4 and moving a few vehicles provides no decompression to 95% of the trees. even you with your incredible bias should be able to understand that.

If the game was far more compressed than back then, then Maus would be 6.7, M1A2 would be 10.0, the top jet BR would be 10.3, and so forth.

However, the top jet BR is 13.0, the top ground BR is 11.7, Maus is 7.7, etc.
The game is far more decompressed today than it was back then.

The fact you claim being biased for decompression is a bad thing is hilarious.

T-72B3 use to be 10.3.

Okay, so you’re conflating balancing with decompression, which it’s not. do you not understand how the analogy and pressure work?

The top jet isn’t 13.0 yet.

I didn’t claim you were “being biased for decompression”, and it’s hilarious that your reading comprehension is so poor you thought that. my impression that you’re biased come from your countless illogical posts that generally defend gaijin’s decisions.

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It is a band-aid solution that will help a bit, but it won’t solve the core issue of Br compression. I don’t think it would be terrible, but it wouldn’t solve the main issue.

Decompressing the BRs by adding 2.0 onto the current top BRs is a better solution.

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It’s not even a band-aid solution cause it’d cause more imbalance than 2014 War Thunder.
Decompression is faster, easier, and superior.
Of course, easier is relative to the alternative described in this topic.

1.0 minimum is indeed superior, in both impact and speed of development.

Well, stop confusing decompression and balancing then.

You did, right here. Everyone can see you’re complaining that I want decompression.
And now you claim asking for more decompression is defending Gaijin… lol
That or you’re claiming criticizing War Thunder is defending Gaijin.

It would be an alternative, paired with a smaller matchmaking spread, to simply inflating the numbers at the end of the tree. Many machines are in awkward positions currently, yet if they moved down even one step they’d be hilariously strong, while if they moved up one step they’d be worthless.

An alternative means to achieve decompression. Particularly since Naval showed that Reserves can be any BR and do not need to be at 1.0 only. Some nations’ low tier tanks as an example (Japan, France) are so bad they should be lower than 1.0. Others (America) are far too good and should be higher than 1.0.

For planes, the Gladiators are so pathetically underpowered compared to everyone else that I could honestly see those lower than 1.0BR.

Then definitely not needed.
Also, 7.7 and higher isn’t the “end of the tree”.

Most vehicles are currently balanced.
Some aren’t, and no 0.7 does not decompress, it never has and never will.

It requires more work than decompression, it compresses the matchmaker, and it requires Gaijin to rebalance vehicles even more than just decompression.

Nope. you’re strawmanning which doesn’t surprise me at all. i said you’re biased in general and didn’t mention decompression in that bias… lol.

The “decompression” you want isn’t decompression at all, which was my point in my last comment. if you let some pressure out and then increase the pressure more than you reduced it that’s not decompression.

The only bias I in this topic is me being for decompression.
So there’s no other bias you could be talking about when that’s the only one.

And now you claim decompression isn’t decompression… which is like claiming water isn’t water.
In-fact, you literally agree with me in your last sentence.

Again with the poor reading comprehension. i didn’t mention your bias in this topic but in general.

I’m not sure there’s enough crayons to explain to you how 1-1+2 is more than 1. if you can’t understand that that’s a problem i don’t think anyone can fix.

Nope. you just seem to have problems with reading, understanding or both. again 1-1+2 is more than 1, which means there’s more compression not less.


Oh, so now you do not think the following:

This statement agrees with what I stated in this topic, and I agree with that statement still.
So is past you wrong or do you concede to agreeing with me?

Also, look up what psychological projection is, then re-read your false accusations against everyone on the forum.

You have a really hard time with this. I’m not even saying that you’re saying that you don’t want decompression. i’m saying that the decompression you’re advocating, which is the same that gaijin is “implementing”, results in net compression because there is more compression occurring than there is decompression.

I can’t make you understand this, but i’ve made it as clear and concise as is reasonably possible. And i know what psychological projection is, it seems that you don’t.

Quick question, are you aware of who Alvis is?

The decompression I’ve pushed for years now is the same one Defyn, Tim’s Variety, etc push for.
So by claiming that decompression isn’t decompression, and claiming we’re all wrong and you’re the only correct one… all the while making the same statements we do from time to time…

It’s all just insulting.

Everyone can’t be wrong with you as the only correct one.

And now you’re coming in here to call everyone in the WT community insults.