An M22 would be one of the worst tanks to bring to 11.7. Does that mean it wasn’t annoying to the Leopard 2 players who I spent 5+ minutes sitting behind them, destroying their engine the second they finished repairing it? ofc not. Being an effective vehicle isn’t required to be annoying
“392nd Bomb Group B-24s drop napalm over Royan (France), 14 April 1945. Note what appears to be a Pathfinder radar ball on the closest aircraft and the bomb trailing marking smoke in the lower right of the frame.”
Nerf the damage wouldn’t change the playerbase mindset when they see easy way to grind. The only way to force people is impact the reward. My suggestion is buff kill reward , massively nerf base reward toward fighter while buffing reward for strike aircraft and alike. Also fixing map so fighter have an incentive to escort their fellow strike enjoyer in ARB and protecting them and if not it is also fine.
But if you can only damage half a base, you will also end up with about half the reward, even less if noone finishes your plate.
F-104 other than A and C ones are not a fighter. Although I don’t have it myself, I can imagine its terrible turn rate and its speed isn’t that superior in higher BR. They are bomber and are free food for the real fighters.
The most important usage of premium vehicles should be for grinding the tech tree, otherwise no one will buy them. Considering this, every premium plane which is not “superior OP” has full reason to bomb. (Like the Mig-23ML without MTI; Mirage F1C …). As an example, one kinda OP plane is Mirage 2000CS4 which I’m using to grind france. If I get a premium like CS4 which I can often reliably gain 2~3 kills I can quit bombing.
Come to think of it, the F-104C is indeed more of a bomber than a fighter.
so reduce ways to play the game and force playstyle
No? Not how that works at all. They are all purebred fighters.
No, they’re more of bombers. They suck at pretty much everything else.
They are fighters. Purebred at that.
Well, Lockheed in the USA scammed allies for selling purebred interceptors as ‘well-made multirole’
Maybe F-104S/S.ASA can be considered as a bomber, sadly. :/
If we compared to counterparts in the same BR which developed later than 1950s.
Still, despite that. it is nonsense if we claim that we need to change their class into Attack Aircraft or Bomber.
Yeah, how dare players do the challenges the game gives them?
Last night my buddy had a destroy 6 bases challenge he wanted to complete for a special order. He tried changing it, only to get bomber missions and strike aircraft missions, of which he doesn’t fly any. Instead of spending another 500k to get a better challenge, he opted to use his F4 to bomb and then A2A fight.
He did better than most “dedicated fighters” on the team anyways. Removing napalm won’t stop the game’s design, or base bombing in general from people. The system itself is rigged in favor of it.
Do I think bombing is useless in general at high tiers? Absolutely. That doesn’t change the fact that this is actively encouraged by the game itself, and I won’t blame the players for that reason.
Even in game if you use them as bombers, in most cases you are simply saying either you’re not good enough or too lazy to make them work as fighters when they will reward you more for doing that.
But like, in all reality though, they’re bombers. It’s like calling the Crommy V a medium tank. It might be CALLED a medium tank, but REALLY it’s a light tank, and one of the fastest at its BR.
I hope Gaijin make them(bombing) a bit more useful than now
If we consider that there are strategic bombers like B-29 or dedicated interdictors like Tornado IDS exist.
But if Gaijin ever thought about that
They would take care of the Cockpits of Bombers too. but they don’t.
Nah, I don’t have F-104S series of mine. working on grind yet.
Although, if I need to bomb something with ITA TT, they also have a fancy lady from the British Empire.
Not the purebred interceptor which got sold for ‘mediocre multirole purpose’ via scam.
The real solution is to have a bigger reward for engaging in air to air combat.
The italian f104s and s.asa need to be moved down without this change anyway lol.
No? In that world?
yes, rbec would solve sooo much, and would allow them to add so many new vehicle types as well.
Crommy is ‘Cruiser tank’
Which weighs 28 tonnes. And designated as ‘medium tank’
she has a similar weight to M4 Shermans or T-34 than M24.
She is a light-armored medium tank.
Having light armor can’t be reason that it needed to called as ‘light tank’
With similar theory, F-104S/S.ASA can’t be called ‘bomber’ because of they are underpowered for the fighter role in the current meta.
Hehe, wait till this guy sees how much the M1128 LIGHT TANK weighs. Weight is little more than a number. The Cromwell V may be a medium tank in the flesh, but it’s a light tank in soul and spirit.