Sherman II at 3.7 while M4A1 at 3.3

The British Sherman II is almost identical to the American M4A1. It is essentially an M4A1 which gets access to an ahistorical but useless (like most APCR rounds) APCR round, along with slightly thicker roof armour on the hull. Because of (or is it because of?) these insignificant differences, it is a whole 0.3 BR higher. It has been like this for many years, and it is time enough for the BR to be standardised to be the same as the M4A1, which it is an almost exact replica of.

US M4A1:

UK Sherman II:

The differences in reload rate and turret slewing rate are purely because of my crew levels; you can see that the aced value is identical.


Its Gaijin stat based balancing system, the players playing the Sherman II just played better on average than the M4A1 players did. Basically Gaijin guesses the first br for a vehicle when they add it, and then all the br changes the vehicle receives are based on stats and have little to do with things like player feedback and you know, logic…

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I know, but in cases where tanks are identical, they in theory do not balance on stats since it is obvious and logical that they should be at the same BR. For example, when they added American vehicles in the Chinese and French trees, they added them at identical BRs. The French M4A3 (105) is 3.0, and regardless of the stats it gets, it will stay identical to the American one. It would be unfair otherwise. The Sherman II’s BR is a relic of the past that never got adjusted.

He’s referring to player statistics.

You could have two identical vehicles in two seperate tech trees, but those vehicles could have wildly different player stats.
Sometimes the players playing a certain nation are on average more skilled than another nation’s playerbase, sometimes a vehicle in one tech tree faces tougher opponents than the other does, hence why identical vehicles can have different BR’s.

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Indeed, it’s better to bring APHE(as it’s “buff” is useles), so you just have an over BRed M4A1, however we should be getting a proper welded hull Sherman to replace it at 3.7.

Ex. Like the UKs most used Sherman. M4A4 Sherman V: The workhorse of the Royal Armoured Corps


They are functionally identical in WT, the battle ratings in the game are used to balance player skill and not vehicle capabilities, this is one of those cases where its very obvious because its the same vehicle in question, overall brit mains do better with a sherman

Yea it’s one of the most blatantly wrong BRs at low tier. Hopefully we can see it dropped, lose the APCR (who uses it anyways) and then get a Sherman V foldered under it to take its place

  1. Better hull armour (this is actually historical)
  2. Fake APCR
  3. Probably player statistics but I doubt it.

It’d be nice to have the Sherman I and Sherman V in game along with many versions of the Ram.

What’s even funnier about that particular T45 APCR round is that it should be removed entirely from the British lend lease Sherman II for historical accuracy. Since it was only ever experimentally tested for the M3 75mm gun in Aberdeen, U.S.

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I mean, it should be a bit lower but its by no means bad, I got my highest kill game with it (15 kills with that vehicle alone, 23 in total), and that was an uptier, so its definitely workable and not bad, but yeah no thats just gaijins way of balancing

I get it, but it doesn’t matter if that’s being used as an excuse for why it’s there (it’s not, no excuse is given); they should be at the same BR.

Yeah, it’s a M4A1, so it’s a great tank, even a br bracket higher. Nevertheless, for parity, it needs to be moved down.

Yeah, I did call it ahistorical in my post.

As far as I can see, this is only on the roof of the hull and is pretty negligible. It doesn’t protect any more against something like the Yak-9K for example (curse that cancer) and the turret roof is identical. The T-34E STZ has a lot more frontal armour than the 1941 and 1942 while being identical in all other aspects yet remains at the same BR.

I think it’s really funny that it is at the exact same br as the Sherman 1 Composite despite that thing literally being the best Sherman for BR (Better armour than M4A2) at 3.7

Honestly it boggles my mind. How do they do BR changes like increasing the BR of the AEC AA (which I very rarely see, and when I see it, it doesn’t do well), but leave the Sherman II sitting at 3.7 for years? What lens are they looking at Britain through?

Swedish Sherman:


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They just hate Britain lmaoooo


Which the Italians get but not the British funnily enough.


Also Sadly the Fr#nch