Share your Toolbox Reward

At least you got multipule decent vehicles, even if you already owned them

Okay so,first of all thank you for ordering the vehicles you got by Nation,it helped me a lot

Then,3 of your vehicles are not listed in the Marketplace (MC 590,AC I and Yak-3T),so their value can’t be properly described (it varies between 0 and ∞)

The F4D,the VFW and the Po-2M all add to a grand total of 141$ ca. At the time of writing

You spent approx 9mil SL (not counting the partial refund). Even here,if we assume you earn 1 million SL an hour,and you spent 9 hours grinding those 9mil,your payout today with these boxes is 15.7 $/hr

Which is almost triple the amount of my previous example,and is more in line with what the chances of a well-rigged gambling system should be

Still,keep in mind the usual thing: there may be people that “earned” your same amount with less or more SL spent,so it is definitely not chance based.

So after reading this thread I decided to gamble for the first time with this mechanic, and out of 350 toolboxes I got a full load of crop and only one vehicle that I already had (the 2.0 pansarbil m/40…). Still have 100M SL to spare but… never again. I had some fun stacking the super-duper boosters that expire in two days though, so there’s that.

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I’ve opened a few and got a t72 moderna…for which I’ve got a million as I already had it from it’s own event. And then ki-48. Big sad.

Spent 6 million sl and got a stupid profile pic, but a crap load of boosters and bets that i will never use

21 million SL for 15 dollars worth of a vehicle,which makes your payout a staggering drum roll 0,70$/hr!!!

The poorest country in the world probably has a better payout than this lmao. That’s why i repeat:these boxes are only good for the plethora of boosters you’ll receive

It’s a game of chance. You shouldn’t gamble if you’re not prepared to lose. The probability of winning something is low. Very low!
The thread here is not intended to suggest otherwise. My point here is simply to rejoice with those who have been lucky instead of constantly complaining about bad luck.
Just be happy for others. I’m not constantly rubbing other people’s noses in how shit I think Toptier is. Live and let live … it’s not difficult.


Got the same ship, cost me only 25 mio SL

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That’s the main reason why I try these lootboxes, to get the T-72M2 Moderna for “free”. Happened the same on the previous lootboxes, got a few vehicles that I already own, so I ended with the 1M SL instead.

Box no. 70 - straight to account the A-7K.


If someone sent me 700 million sl i would be happy to share my prizes ;)

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Hey man, you got something, butter than most people

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Opened 10 boxes and got the Viking helmet decoration.


So far I opened ~50 boxes and got a decal and that Russian boat, which I already had.

In addition I got a handful of lions back, some wagers and loads of boosters, which unfortunately have a time limit and can’t be stacked without losing efficiency…

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As long as you don’t care about the SL and you can go to bed relaxed without any remorse.

the only thing ive got so far is a tank i already own

just a VFW and a exchange voucher of an avatar, i got those at about 100 toolboxs, one of my friend got Sdkfz251/10, A7K, VT1-2, and exchange voucher of Merkava3D, in about 300 toolboxs
I am very jealous of him :-(

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Got the po-2m

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Dang, there lucky. I’ve opened about 300 now as well but, have only gotten 37mm halftrack for German, a knock off fletcher for Japan, a loading screen from the 2077 April fools event, a soccer ball decal, and like 3 random decorations… IDK who put a curse on me, but screw them XD

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Where the hell is my luck for vehicles? the best i got was a loading screen, 3 decals/decoration and 500k SL…Please…gib vehicle